A Dragon bond unfolds

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Months had passed since the feast, and Young Prince Aelor had blossomed into a small yet formidable prince, endearing himself to his mother and family with his charm, yet proving a mischievous challenge for the servants and midwives. Once he learned to crawl, he wasted no time in evading his cradle, much to the frustration of his attendants, who found themselves constantly chasing after him as he explored every nook and cranny of the Red Keep. Princess Rhaeynra, his elder sister, found his escapades endlessly entertaining, often teasing that he possessed the fiery spirit of a true dragon, much to the delight of House Targaryen.

One day, a young midwife entered the prince's nursery to the peculiar sound of cracking emanating from within. Approaching his cot, she was astonished to find hairline fractures in the shell of the prince's dragon egg, revealing the emergence of a dragonling within. With a sudden flourish of movement, the young dragon unfurled its wings, breaking free from its confinement and advancing towards the curious prince, who had awakened to witness the spectacle. As the dragon chirped eagerly, the prince cheered in excitement, reaching out to greet his newfound companion. In that moment, a bond of friendship and joy was forged between dragon and rider.Startled by the extraordinary sight, the midwife wasted no time in alerting the guards, who quickly relayed the news to their superiors. 

The Good Queen Alysanne, having heard the murmurs in the corridors regarding the prince's egg, hastened to the chamber, her affection for the young prince drawing her to his side daily. Gazing upon the scene before her, she marveled at the sight of the unusually large dragon, seeing it as a fortuitous omen that the prince might yet become the youngest dragon rider in their lineage. The dragon, with its shimmering platinum scales and golden wing membranes, seemed to radiate with a divine glow in the chamber's natural light. Gesturing to the guards, the queen requested the presence of the prince's family to witness the extraordinary event.

Before long, Prince Viserys and Aemma entered the chamber, accompanied by Rhaeynra, their expressions a mixture of astonishment and disbelief at the rapid hatching of the egg. When asked to name the young dragon, the prince deferred to his grandmother, who bestowed upon the magnificent creature the name Heatfyre, wishing for his flames to burn as brightly as his radiant scales. The hatching of the egg brought joy to the entire family, particularly Princess Rhaeynra, who eagerly anticipated taking to the skies alongside her brother, now accompanied by their dragons Syrax and Heatfyre.

Word of the hatching soon reached the ears of the small council, eliciting smiles from the aging King Jaehaerys and the assembled nobles. Across the realm, the news was met with celebration, seen as a symbol of the prince's good fortune and the promising future that lay ahead for him as a leader of the realm

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