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( First Fanfiction EVER)

-After Thriller Bark- (not really what happens)


The Thousand Sunny rocked to the waves of the sea, a gentle breeze could be felt lingering across the deck. A tired Sanji walked out of the boys bedroom, stretching his back as he mentally prepared himself for another day of cooking. "Damn it," He scowled, his shoulder sore from sleeping on it the whole night, "I gotta get this this checked out I swear." As he made his way into the kitchen, he noticed Zoro, just... asleep. "Hey, marimo! Wake your lazy ass up!" Sanji said, kicking the other boy's shin.

Zoro yawned, "Damn way to wake someone, don't you think cook?" He mumble with a annoyed face. Sanji gave him the finger, and ignored his snobby comment. 'Stupid marimo. And now I have to have him watching me, watching me with those eyes...' Sanji shook his head, he was having these thoughts again. Zoro was making him feel different. In a weird way. Sanji didn't like men, but why was Zoro so, so different!?

Sanji kept asking himself this until the crew came in for breakfast. "IS THERE ANY MEAT SANJI?!" Luffy exclaimed, bursting through the door frame with the rest of the crew following close behind. As the crew sat down Nami started to explain the plans for the day, "We're going to reach an island in a few hours," she started, "The island is split in two and one side is known to have riches and treasure!" She said, practically melting over her food.

Chopper chuckled as Robin spoke up, "All of us should pair up since this island is pretty deserted. Nami will go with me, Chopper and Franky, Brook, Usopp and Luffy... and Zoro and Sanji." Franky smirked and Brook let out a laugh. "Oh come on Robin! Anyone else!" Sanji cries, "Maybe me with you two princesses? A date~" He swooned. Nami rolled her eyes, "Stop being a baby and suck it up! Look, even Zoro isn't arguing about it " Sanji looks over at the moss head. "BUT HE'S ASLEEP WHAT DO YOU MEAN! OF COURSE HE WOULD DISAGREE!" Everyone just laughed.

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