Chapter 1: Where It All Begins

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We both swim towards the city, still racing at the mouth, on who truly won. Every occasion I like to take in our beautiful city. We have a lot of underwater greenery; Lots of underwater plants, and these two huge pyramid-shaped statues, and glowing lights everywhere you turn, our castle has such a unique design, whimsical and oddly shaped. More bubble-shaped circular homes that float underwater. And with many pointed roofs. Overall Alamantica is a livable piece of art, and to think my ancestors helped create this city blows my mind every time. Maroam and I get back to the castle and the guards outside open the huge, tall doors to welcome us in. We greet them with a polite nod and head into the golden, marbled foyer, glass-stained windows, high ceilings, and historical art paintings everywhere. The sun shines through to make everything glisten. The way this castle looks inside will be one of the most enchanting places anyone's ever laid eyes on, and I've been to many places, but something about our city, something about Alamantica. Can have anyone lucky enough to visit inside, mesmerized. My father and mother are waiting in the hallway with their guards assisting them, they ask us both fiercely "Where have you been? We've all been waiting." Me and my brother were confused, my mother asked have you gotten the letter? I asked what letter? I've gotten many letters, and many of them are from different clans asking for my hand in marriage, which I refuse to open. My dad says with frustration that the Moriki Clan leader's son is here. He proposed with a letter and hasn't got a word from you yet, so he decided to come all the way from Vaorlik to talk about your possible hand in marriage. "So, tell him to go back." I say refusing to speak with him. "Jessel," my dad says with frustration. "He cannot just return after traveling miles away from home just to speak with you, let alone see you." My mother chimes in as she explains how I will be next in line to take over her place as queen, she says even if this man isn't a potential suitor, it would be unkind of me not to at least get to know him, and then decide from there if he has potential or not. I tell her I'm too tired, and with a stern look she says "Go now, that's an order." Chills run down my spine as I definitely don't want to get on her bad side. My dad annoyingly smirks at her demand towards me. I cut through the middle of both of them in frustration. I swim to the living room where his back is turned and staring out of the window, this man is fairly handsome, has clear light brown eyes, golden wavy hair, and a dotted pattern tattoo of his tribe trailing down the side of his face, neck, and arm. I clear my throat, in order to get him to notice me, and he quickly spins around to face me. Startled, he stumbled on his words "I'm, I'm sorry, to come on such short notice..."he continues to ramble on. "I've heard such great things about you, I'm not, not just saying that from what your parents said, but from others, who say the Princess of Alamantica is just as stunning as the city." Curious as to why he complimented my looks, I asked him if I was what he expected. He says, "yes more than what he expected." I nod, so tell me, he quickly states his name, Alec. "So Alec, does appearance mean everything to you? With an impulsive response, he says. "No, I mean, I knew I was going to fall for you despite how you looked." I asked him how was he so sure, when he just met me? " Well from just our short conversation alone, despite you not writing me back, I knew you'd make a proper wife, you'll also bear beautiful children with our good genes." I knew the conversation would have to end there, as I didn't want to waste any more of our time as I already did. " I'm sorry Alec but I must kindly decline. "I thank you for meeting me today and for the exchange of words, but I must go as I have other important things to take care of." We both exchanged an awkward smile, then I parted first. Leaving him in there to gather his thoughts before my parents thanked him and sent him off. My brother immaturely teases me as I pass by him, down the hall headed towards my room.

Since my father wants me to gain the highest forms of knowledge he hires a scholared professor to come down to the castle in order to teach me. Although I love to learn, I find this private school life rather boring. There isn't much freedom of a social life being cooped up in a castle all day long, I know how lucky I am to even be in such a beautiful castle, but it does get lonely at times. but besides that, I get ready for topics I'm eager to learn about. My love for Philosophy, history, and the study of Marine biology, truly makes me curious and want to learn more about my history, the world, and origins. The knowledge of how far we've come and will go fascinates me. My dream of being a Marine Biologist one day is sadly short-lived, due to my title and having to uphold my duties as queen one day, that career is not suitable for a life like mine. But a mer-girl can dream. I head to class, where I meet Professor Akilies. "Happy to see you again Princess Jessel." Hi Professor, how was your day? I say with a smile. "Mine was good, I should be asking you the same. "It was alright I had to meet another potential suitor, but you know how that goes." I say sarcastically. "Well, what am I learning today? I see a drawing of a pyramid sketched out on the wall. He carry's onto say, "I want to teach you more about the great pyramids created by your ancestors. These are one of the first huge sculptures made in ancient times, do you know what it is made out of? "Yes," I responded without hesitation. It's made from Limestone." Correct! Professor Akilies responded, do you know why that is? " Well due to us having a continental break under the sea, limestone can be created... Before I could continue, Akilies eagerly interrupted me. "Well no, actually; no one fully knows the answers to why these pyramids were created. I give him a confused look.

"There is no other explanation, other than this one myth or theory if you will." I become fully invested in the point he is trying to make. "It was said to protect the city of Alamantica from an ancient beast that had lived among us for centuries, so big that it could destroy the city." I responded back. "So are you telling me that the mermaids of ancient times made two pyramids to shield us from this great beast? He says precisely. I then asked "What was it's name? They called it a " Mervitha." This creature is said to be bigger than 10 blue whales. My jaw dropped at that response, I then asked if the creature could get to us as the pyramids are made around only 500 feet high. "Well, the great thing about our location is we are made closest to the surface, and this creature is a deep sea creature so it would be nearly impossible for it to survive on such high levels. We also live safely surrounded by an underwater forest created with rock and sand." Of course he breaks it down like a true scholar. "Can we find this creature? I ask. He gives me a dumbfound look towards my response. "I'm sure no one's ever tried to willingly look for it, and even if so why would anyone want to find such a terrifying creature? "I for one want to know if it's real?" I say, "Well from what was said from ancient findings this creature hibernates for at least 1,000 years before it sets out to hunt again. He goes on to say before ending our meeting, "I'm not sure what year we are in, but I would suggest for you to be very careful with that curious mindset of yours." I don't know if it's truly a bad thing to be this curious, but the thrill-seeking adventurous side of me wants to find more answers. What he said only fueled my curiosity, and made me wonder what truly lies beyond those two pyramids.

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