Chapter 1: Where It All Begins

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"Before there was land
There was water,
Before there were feet
There were tails."

There once was a time the earth was covered in water, millions of years ago. There was no land, the only trees, and plants were all hidden beneath the blue crystal clear water.
The light would shine making everything sparkle, glisten, and glow.  And in the night, it was so dark it almost seemed as if you didn't exist. Life was timeless, In Upper Devonian times as scholars like to call it "the age of the fishes."

Many species lived under these waters, so big you were seen as just a mere dot compared to them. It makes me wonder, if humans were real today, they would be the evolutionary version of mermaids? When I think about a baby forming in a mother's womb, we form in water and liquids. The human embryo is said to form with a tail, but when; and if human, we'll sadly lose our tails, to develop into feet. Yet we are still born natural swimmers. Unfairly as we evolve into "Humans" are genetic makeup won't be able to survive underwater anymore. In those times due to natural causes, evolution, and possible global warming, the earth will no longer be covered in water. As the water slowly dissipates, the trees, grass and all that was submerged start to adapt to its new-found conditions. New land animals surface and all will adapt to dry earth as patches of land start to show. Flowers grow and bloom from dirt beneath the ground, that once was all sea.

Sand piles up in some places more than others, and the sun is hotter as things no longer are surrounded by cool, crystal-clear waters. Sea animals no longer stay in the sea they now walk on land. I am a mermaid who hasn't seen the world evolve yet, and probably never will, but I did gain most of my knowledge from scholars who already predicted the future's way of life. It's a sad thought, how we Mermaids will one day lose our glorious tails, and have to evolve, to adapt to nature's profound conditions on land, and no longer in water. Did I forget to mention that we won't live past 300 anymore! This makes me realize how cruel evolution can be. My name is Jessel. I live in the city of Alamantica, my mother and father are both king and queen of this city. Our city is one of the biggest cities located in the Mediterranean Sea. Close to Morocco and farthest from our enemy's location in Cyprus. The beautiful people of Alamantica are all around 10 feet tall, we have golden glistening tails, brownish-green and golden skin, we never cut our naturally grown long locks, and we have tribal white swirled tattoos that are worn as a sleeve on our arms. We have golden-colored eyes, and our colors set us apart from other tribes. We have the ability to camouflage when monsters of the sea try to hunt us. Are golden glowing tails shut off like a light, and we can blend in with the night, the sand, or the rocks. We have night vision to be able to swim in the dark or murky waters. Before evolution happens this is our story, the history of the early Devonian mermaids.

Maroam stop! I yell, I swim as fast as I can, following right behind him and his bubble-forming path. I start to slowly creep up next to him, hoping to pass him, he gains more boost placing me right back behind him. With a challenging face, he looks back at me, I too make that same face to show him I am not intimidated. He spots an underwater jet stream that is fast moving giving him more speed. I jump in it too, like an underwater river it carries us up north. He tries to lose me by creating more bubbles moving his tail vigorously. I'm inches from his tail trying to gain his same speed. I'm not known for cheating but I truly wanted to win, so I grabbed onto his tail to thrust myself forward giving me leeway ahead of him. He said loudly, "Hey that's cheating" I looked back at him to laugh as we were almost out of the heavy flowing current. Ahead we see the beautiful city of Alamantica. I spiral out of the fast-moving current and finally yell "I won!" into the open sea, Maroam close behind, claiming how I cheated. Being just one year younger, my brother never likes to lose to his little sister. Him being just 95 years old, we're considered young adults in mermaid years. You can only imagine how old my dad is. This isn't the first time we've played dirty, there were many times my brother flipped sand in my face just to win. This time we were farther up from the ground, so I had to quickly visualize a plan that would catch him off guard, and it did, and I won.

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