Chapter 12

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"Kai, don't take this the wrong way, but you look happier than you have recently," mama states a few days later while we're sitting at the table having dinner.

I can't help the grin that spreads across my lips as I shyly answer; "I am happier than I have been. Not that Kyrie doesn't make me happy because he definitely does, but Grayson asked me to be his boyfriend, and I agreed."

Mama and Marcus smirk at me, and what Marcus says has my mouth dropping open in surprise; "He asked quicker than he had planned. Good for you both."

Tilting my head to the left, curiously asking them; "What do you mean? Is that why Grayson had gone to the boutique the other day to speak with you and mama?"

"Yes, he wanted to make sure we were okay with you boys officially dating," mama replies, and I fondly shake my head at Grayson's adorableness.

"Well, if that just adds to his cuteness, I don't know what does," I softly chuckle, picking my head up higher to check on Kyrie in his bassinet next to me at the table.

"Invite him over for dinner soon, yeah?" Marcus asks, and I know that this question is more-so a gentle request.

"Yeah, I'll speak to him today about it when he comes here to spend time with Kyrie and me, and I'll let you know," I reply, a little nervous about asking him to come to dinner as my boyfriend, and Kyrie's other parent.

"That's all we're asking, Kai," Marcus replies, and we finish dinner, and stand to start clearing the table.

Peaking at Kyrie again to make sure he's still sleeping, so I can help clean up, but I find him fidgeting in his sleep, indicating that he's starting to wake. Instead of helping clean up from dinner, I take Kyrie from the bassinet, and walk to the fridge to grab a premade 4 ounce bottle to warm. While that warms, I push the bassinet back into the living room, and walk back into the kitchen to finish waiting for the bottle.

While sitting on the couch with Kyrie, feeding him his bottle, I try to decide how to ask Grayson for dinner per my parents request. Should I just be straightforward, or ease into the topic? Hell, I probably just be blunt and straightforward with him, rip the band aid off, so to speak. When Kyrie has finished with his bottle, I'll send Grayson a text.

'Hey, um, mama and Marcus would you like to come to dinner one night. I'm sorry if this makes you upset and uncomfortable,' I send to Grayson once I've taken care of Kyrie, and he's asleep in his bassinet.

Clutching my phone tightly in my left hand as I nervously wait for Grayson's answer. Several minutes later, the phone startles me when it loudly dings with an alert to a new text message.

Opening the app to read his reply; 'Hey, that sounds cool. Tell me what day and time, and I'll happily be there. Don't stress yourself out over this, okay? This is a normal thing when someone has a parent or parents that care. My dad wants to have lunch with you and Kyrie, so he can officially meet you and our son.'

Letting out a nervous chuckle which I hold my breath on afterwards because I think I woke Kyrie from his nap. Letting out a soft sigh of relief when I realize Kyrie is still asleep.

'How about we knock out both families in one day? Lunch with your dad, and then dinner with my parents?' I type and quickly send before I lose my nerve.

'That works for me, love. How about we do this family day in two days?' he replies, and I send back a reply that I think that'll work, but I'll give him a better answer when I see him later.

We text back and forth for the next hour as I putz around the house doing a few minor chores, and do some schooling. Instead of going to the boutique like I had planned, I decided that Kyrie and I needed a day at home until our time with Grayson.

Finally hours later, Kyrie and I are being picked up by Grayson for our dinner date. Opening the door when he knocks, I grin widely at him when I see he has a bouquet of red and orange roses in his right hand, and a rainbow colored teddy bear in his left hand.

"Hi! Come in, please," I sweetly say  with a pink blush coating my cheeks, walking back a couple of steps, and he walks inside the house.

"Hello to you, too, love," Grayson sweetly greets, leaning forward to give me a soft kiss on the cheek. "These are for you, I saw them, and instantly thought of you, and the bear is for Kyrie."

"Thank you, both are beautiful, and the flowers smell amazing," I grin, taking both from him, to take a deep inhale of the scent of the roses.

I take the flowers into the kitchen to place these into a vase while Grayson goes into the living room to pick up Kyrie. They join me in the kitchen while I snip the stems of the roses after filling the vase with water and the packet that came with the flowers. When I've finished with this, I stick my nose into flowers again, inhaling deeply with my eyes shut in bliss.

"Are we ready to leave?" Grayson asks once I'm back from placing the vase of flowers in my bedroom on my dresser, had grabbed Kyrie's filled diaper bag, and his car seat.

"Yeah, once Kyrie's in his car seat," I answer with a sweet smile, and he nods, holding out his free hand that isn't holding our son for the car seat.

Handing it over to him, he places it on the floor, and situates Kyrie inside, and straps him in with a huge smile gracing his lips.

"You're beautiful!" I blurt out with wide eyes at my sudden confession because yes, he's indeed beautiful when he's not with our son, but even more so when he's with our son.

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