Chapter 6

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It's now the beginning of June, and Kyrie is almost three-months-old, and I'm sad my baby is growing so fast. I'm also filled with hope and anxiety because of him growing so fast, and also because I'm wondering if Grayson will be here at some point this summer like he was last summer.

"Kai, are you and Kyrie ready to leave for the boutique?" Marcus asks, stopping at the doorway of my bedroom where I've just finished getting Kyrie and I ready to leave for the day.

"Yeah, we're ready," I reply with a small smile as I grab the diaper bag and the handle of the car seat where Kyrie is buckled.

"Want a hand?" he questions as I reach him, and he holds his right hand out in case I want to let him take something.

"Do you mind taking the diaper bag?" I shyly answer as I hold up the bag slightly in reference to it, and he reaches over to take it from me without comment. "Thanks, Marcus, I appreciate the help."

"Anytime I can, I will," he replies as we head toward the front door where mama meets us when we reach there.

About three hours at the boutique, the front door opens, causing the bell above the door to ring, and for me to glance up to greet whomever entered. My breath catches in my throat when my bright blue  eyes meet dark brown eyes of Grayson. Oh, sweet nectar of life, he actually came back, and he's here, inside mama and Marcus' boutique.

"Kai, hey! I was hoping you would be here today!" Grayson cheerfully greets, quickly walking over to the counter as I've been running the store on my own for the last fifteen minutes because mama and Marcus went to grab lunch for the three of us.

"Hi Grayson, I'm happy to see you again! I was hoping that you'd be back this summer!" I shyly admit in a soft voice. "I have something important to tell you, and I'm sorry for not telling you - "

Grayson cuts me off before I could tell him about Kyrie when he excitedly exclaims while looking at Kyrie; "Oh my gosh! Did your mom and step-dad have a baby? That's so awesome! Can I see the baby better? What's their name?"

"Grayson!" I reply, catching his attention because of my slightly raised voice. "No, the baby isn't my mama and Marcus' baby. His name is Kyrie Grayson St. James, and he's mine and yours. I wanted to contact you, to tell you about him while I was pregnant, but I didn't know your number, or what your last name is. I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me! I didn't mean to not tell you!"

Grayson instantly clamps his mouth shut as he digests what I just told him as he stares blankly back at me. The longer he remains silent, the higher my anxiety skyrockets that he's gonna leave without another word, and that Kyrie and I will never see him again.

After several long, intense minutes of silence from both of us, Grayson mumbles out; "We have son together? His middle name is Grayson, is that after me? Can I see him? Can I, can I hold him?"

Eagerly nodding as I carefully take Kyrie from his stroller where he's been sleeping for the last thirty minutes after being changed and fed; "Yes, we have a son together. I, uh, wanted him to have something from you in his name, even if he never got to meet you. Of course you can see him, and hold him, he's your son, too."

Grayson eagerly comes around the counter to where Kyrie and I are, and he holds out his arms for me to gently place our son, which I do without taking my hands away until I know for sure that Grayson has him.

"Grayson, I'd like for you to formally meet our three-month-old son, Kyrie Grayson St. James," I softly say with a watery smile and a soft sniffle. "He was born on March fifteenth at 8:15 a.m. weighing seven pounds, twelve ounce, and was was twenty-three inches long. Kyrie, I'd like you to officially meet your daddy, Grayson..."

"Brown, my last name is Brown," Grayson instantly answers with a soft smile down our son who is snuggling against his daddy's body while he continues to sleep soundly. "Hello, sweet Kyrie, I'm very happy to meet you. I promise you and your?"

"Papa," I offer Grayson when he questions what Kyrie will call me.

"I promise you and your papa that I will do my absolute best to take care of you both," Grayson continues with a sincere smile down at our sleeping baby. "I'll make sure that I work hard everyday to help raise you, and be around as much as papa allows to help guide you, and raise you, too."

Sniffling with misty eyes and a soft watery laugh as I watch Grayson with Kyrie, absolutely thrilled that despite Grayson's shock, he seems genuinely happy about the surprising news of our baby.

Grayson snaps his head up to look at me in concern when he hears me; "What's the matter, Kai? Are you alright?"

Nodding as I wipe away the tears; "I'm fine, I promise. This just went better than I expected, if this even happened. I wasn't sure if you'd be back vacationing here this summer, or if I ever saw you again. I thought you would have been pissed about the entire situation, and that he's here."

"I can't fully understand your worry over this situation and how I'd react, but I can promise you both that I'll do whatever I can to prove that I'm here for everything, and forever - that I won't leave," Grayson promises, and I let out a soft sob of relief.

"Thank you for being so accepting and understanding of me, of Kyrie, and for not walking away from our son," I sob, and he opens his free arm wide, and I rush into his side, wrapping my arms around his waist as I tuck my face into the side of his warm skin at his neck, and he wraps his arm around me, holding me tightly against his body.

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