Chapter 8

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Grayson and I did indeed exchange phone numbers by the end of our meal, so we indeed didn't forget to do this. He even walked me back to the boutique after we finished eating, and he stayed for about a half an hour to speak with mama and Marcus, both were very interested in speaking with him more than they had before. Grayson was a good sport about their questions, too which I appreciated greatly.

Kyrie and I are going to spend the day with him today, and he's picking us up from the house at ten. I'm excited to spend the day with him, and I hope he's excited, too. We're going to wander the downtown area, have lunch somewhere, and we'll probably head back to the boutique to help out for a while if we're needed.

My phone dings just before ten, and when I check the message, it's from Grayson with him telling me that he's outside of the door. Skipping over to the front door, quickly opening it, and letting him inside while Kyrie is safely sleeping inside his bassinet.

"Hey! I'm happy you're here! We're excited to spend the day with you!" I greet him with a grin as I pull him into a tight hug which he eagerly returns.

"Hey! I'm happy to see you, too, and spend the day with you both!" Grayson warmly returns with a huge grin as he returns my hug. "Are you and Kyrie ready to leave or not? Either is fine, by the way."

"We're ready to leave, except I need to place Kyrie into his stroller," I reply with a shy smile because I'm not fully ready by the time Grayson arrives. "I hope you're not upset by this."

Grayson tilts his head to the right slightly as he curiously replies; "Why would I be upset by you not having Kyrie in his stroller yet? I arrived early by a couple of minutes, so I didn't expect you and him to be ready."

Relief fills my entire body at his answer, and I let out a soft sigh before grinning at him; "Well, come on inside, so I can place our son in his stroller, and then we can leave."

Grayson steps around me, into the house, and we head into the living room, so I can take Kyrie from his bassinet, and settle him into the stroller. He never wakes which makes me happy, and once I have him settled, and strapped, I cover him with a blue and white checkered, fuzzy blanket, and pull the cover to block out the wind and sunshine.

"Okay, we're ready," I announce while straightening up to face Grayson with a cute little smile. "Do you wanna push the stroller, or do you want me to?"

"I really would like too, if that's okay with you, even though you offered?" he excitedly replies as he looks excited to do something as simple as pushing the stroller.

My smile becomes softer as I stare at Grayson, moving a couple of steps back from the handle of the stroller, and waving him over to push the stroller. He eagerly grins as he closes the distance between where he was standing and behind the handle of the stroller. He grasps the handle with both hands, pushing the stroller toward the front door, and I follow behind him, and open the door when he stops.

Grayson pushes the stroller down the sidewalk toward downtown, and I walk beside him on the side that's by the road. Suddenly Grayson stops walking, and I stop a few steps ahead of him with raised eyebrows at him in curiosity. I can't figure out what he's looking at, so I look around in the area across the road, and I'm still unsure what has caught his attention.

"Grayson, what's wrong?" I question as I walk back to him, standing at his side as we look across the street to some of the shops over there.

"Is that your father over there in front of the used bookstore?" he asks with his head tilted to the right in curiosity.

Looking at dad's used bookstore, and indeed find him standing outside of the shop, and he's looking back at us. Letting out a irritated sigh as I answer Grayson by telling him that that is indeed my dad staring at us.

"Why is staring at us like that?" he asks, and he sounds a little freaked out by dad's attitude. "Does he not like me or something?"

"His problem isn't with you, his problem is with me," I sigh softly as I turn back forward, and hold onto the stroller handle next to Grayson's hand, and urge them forward. "I'll explain later, I promise."

I haven't seen daddy since we had that discussion in his bookstore. I'm supposed to see him this weekend with Kyrie at his home, but I've informed mama that I'm not going because of what we said to each other. Mama called daddy to explain that I didn't want to be at his house for the weekend, and daddy reluctantly didn't fight me or mama on this subject. I'm sure I'm being a damn child about our argument, but I just need some time away from him to come to this conclusion on my own.

We wander by the water, sitting on a bench with Kyrie in between us, and we watch the boats float by, and the people on the edge of the land. I jump slightly when something touches my right hand, and then settle when I realize that it's Grayson's hand sliding over mine to hold lightly.

Shyly looking at him through my eyelashes, and my cheeks burn when I realize that he's looking back at me with a grin and a wink. Moving closer to him, so the sides of our bodies are barely touching, I tighten my hand around his, trying to convey to him how much I've missed him, and that I'm glad he's here now with me and Kyrie.

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