Part 25

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I went down stairs heading to the kitchen when I saw that mouse leaning against the back of the couch texting someone on his phone.
"Mouse!" I run to mouse for a hug. He returned the hug giving me a small smile in return to mine, then his face went serious.
"We found him." I freeze in my spot and tense, mouse didn't even have to tell me who he was talking about.
"Y-you found him?" Mouse nods and shows me a picture of my father tied to a chair somewhere no doubt a basement.

Fezco walks out of the kitchen looking at us weirdly. I shake my head at mouse not to say anything to Fezco about the man or what happened. Mouse turns back to me.
"I just thought you want to know to have to peace of mind." I nod hoping now that  I know that mouse and his men found him that I can sleep better at night and not worrying about what if he comes back.

Fezco stood there confused and looking back and forth between me and mouse trying to figure out what's happening. Mouse hugs me.
"I haven't heard anything from rubin I'm sorry sapph." I nod trying not to cry, my uncle had left me with behind saying he doesn't care to take care of me after doing a crap job all these years. After all this time he just gave up, why why now?

Mouse got a phone call them he said he had to leave and nods at fez and walks out the door. Fez looks at me for an explanation.
"You wanna fill me in on what's happening?"

I shrug not really wanting to talk about it.
"Hey no we are talking about this wether you want to or not I'm your brother and guardian now and we're going to table about at some point now or later." I shrug  and turned away to walk to ashtrays room where I'm staying. I figured ashtray would on his computer still so I walk in, "shit no."  Ashtray said and he desperately tried to cover himself. I stood there frozen as I see ashtray pulling his boxers up and he's shirtless.
"I-I uh shit sorry." I quickly walk back out of his room and go back downstairs to the kitchen to get food like I was originally planned to do before mouse showed up. I got cereal and sat down at the table ignoring fez hoping he didn't try to make conversation or force me to open up cause only bad things happen when people force me to open up. They judge me once they know about my past they regret forcing me to them them and they look at me with pity in there eyes feeling bad for me. Or like I'm broken and treat me like glass. That's the exact opposite of what I want or need. I avoid making eye contact with Fez as we eat our cereal. Then ashtray walks down from his room I look up and make eye contact with him and we both embarrassingly look away remembering that I walked in on him changing. He got cereal and sat down next to me and started eating. I think fez noticed the awkward tense between us,
"What's going on between you to, did you guys accidentally cuddle in your sleep or something?" He laughed jokingly. We both quickly answer.
"No!" He looks at us weird and then held his hands up in surrender.
"No bad guys." Fezco took his bowl to the sink and went to his room leaving me and ashtray in awkward silence and tension...

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