Part 19

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The girl who pulled me away told me her name was Maddy and the blonde girl who just stared at me is Cassie. The other brown haired girls name is rue. Apparently she's the one that wanted to meet me after seeing fezcos post. Rue had stayed back to with ash to find fez and buy off him. Maddy and i picked out a new outfit deciding to actually do what we said and not that she was making up an excuse she get me out of the awkward situation. I helped both Maddy and Cassie pick me outfits for the first day of school. Maddy had asked me if i was going to enroll at the high school. The only reason that i did online school was to keep my secret safe while i was working for Rubin, but now that hes gone there's no reason i can't aleast try to have a normal life.

"Why was ashtray acting so protective over you, just cause his friends were flirting with you?" Cassie asked the question they both were wondering but at first didn't want to seem noisy after just meeting her. maddy nodded shown she to wanted to know.

"I'm fezcos sister and i think that's why hes so protective over me cause fezco took him in when he was younger." Maddy gave me an unconvincing look like she didn't believe me.

"girl i dont think that's the only reason. If he was just protecting you cause of you is fezco sister he would have told them to shoo or fought them, but instead he WRAPPED his arm around you waist to show procession of what he wants." I choice to ignore her but the thought lingered in my mind the rest of the night.

i stayed chatting with Maddy when Cassie disappears to the bathroom for a while. Around 11 ashtray came and found me telling me that we were leaving. I gave Maddy my number, before ashtray took my hand and lead me through the crowd.

"what were you doing in the kitchen with Maddy you should have stayed by my side like fez said,I could have handed that my self they got the hint willow. that was dangerous what if I didn't know those girl. If you had gotten hurt fez would have been mad at both of us."

i stood dumb founded, how could he expect me to sit there while he put his around my waist. those were the type of friends he had what does that say about him. I don't like being touched by guys and just put his arm around me and he thought that was ok? Im so confused and piss at the same time/ Fez told me this was an opportunity to meet some people my age, but i soon as do that ashtray gets mad at.

Just before I could unload on him fez came into sight. He lead us to his car, while he drove home no one spoke I word. this boy is confusing. One minute he's exploding on me, then apologizing to me then after an hour he's back to being to being mad at me. I think for both our sakes we need to go to sleep. I cant blow up on him then it be awkward. We have to share a room, I don't to want fuck this up just cause I'm mad and made a rash decision by blowing up at him.

the comment maddy and cassies comments about ashtrays actions stuck in my mind as me and ashtray lay in bed awkwardly facing away from each other, silent.

thats when i feel something...

Fezco little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now