Chapter 11

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Mouses pov :
"Mouse can I talk to you in the other room?"
"Yeah." I walked into a room with laurey.
"What happened while I was gone?"
"I don't know the full story, I was at deal and sapphire was here alone. She said that her dad came her looking for drugs, then when she refused he attacked her. Threw a good punch then she beat him, but not before throwing a glass bottle at her."
"If he knows where she is, she isn't safe with either of us."
"Well she has to stay with someone."
"I look into some place she can stay with,wait to tell her."  I know I should have said something about sapphires past, she can't stay with some random drug dealer guys. Most of the guys in the business would hesitate to take advantage of her. I walked away angry with the situation, she was my family. I knew I had one option and rubin would do anything to stop from what I had to.

I started preparing things for the deal. An hour before the deal was happening, the house was crawling with laureys men. Sapphire was in the living room with laurey.
"Listen up! You stay in the kitchen and out of the living room and the bedrooms you here me!" They we're all scared of laurey, they all nodded there head to scared to find out what she'd do to them if they went out of the kitchen.

I pulled out my gun, tucking it into my pants. Sapphire had put a switch blade in her bra.
She went to the her room twirling a butterfly knife.

"Let's get this deal started."
"Hold on!" Laurey signaled me over to her.
"Check the kid then take him somewhere else."
"Alright kid you going with jary."
He took the kid somewhere dragging him by his collar.

Narrator pov:
Jary walked into sapphire room and out him in his closet after taking his Glock. Sapphire walked out of her bathroom opening her closet to get a hoodie.
"The fuck you doing in my closet, never mind."
She closed the closet back and locked the door back. She walked out of her room to the kitchen.
"Por qué diablos hay un chico en mi armario?"( why the fuck is there a boy in my closet)
They just stared at her like she walked out of lala land.
"Get him the fuck out of my CLOSET! I told you to stay out my room bitches!"

"Hey rose, it's 8."
"Uh oh right excuse me, where is it." She couldn't remember where she put the letter she had.
"The table."
"Thanks mouse." She walked into the kitchen avoiding any stares from laureys men.
"carajo estas mirando?" ( the fuck you looking at) they all looked away scared of what she's say to them. She walked over to the letter.
Suddenly her phone rang.

"The fuck you want person"
"Rubin, the fuck you been."
"What! No you can't leave me here and take off your my uncle... we're family family's supposed to stick together."
She looked up at mouse with teary eyes.
"Give it here."He took the phone
"No your not promised her you take care of her your the one who ran off leaving her brother and grandma. You were supposed to take care of her you know what I don't care. I'm done with your bullshit, keeping your niece away from her brother and running away to the next town forcing her to do deals with and knowing it's him but can't tell him it's killing her. I'm done. Fezco meet sapphire rose O'Neil."

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