im not a bad dog, I don't know why i ___

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i don't know why I do the things i do

I'm not a bad dog

I don't know why I stand there and stare

I don't know why I coward in fear when people are only inches away

I don't know why I look at humans in digust when they haven't done anything to me


i don't know why I stay in my own little space , never coming out to see the day

I Don't know why I do these things ...

Maybe there's something wrong with me?

I'm not a bad dog

I don't do anything wrong


Sleeping all the time or not sleeping at all

Eating too much or eating too less

Forgetting everything I do or remembering things I shouldn't

Paying attention to small details or not getting the memo to begin with

Saying dark things when I thought that would make you laugh but that was wrong it seemed

I was a bad dog

I did something wrong

And you say I shouldn't say those things or do this and that but that was all I am

I Don't know any other way


I'll give you all my limbs , all my hair

I'll cut my skin , tear out my heart

I'll show you , I'll prove it

I'm not a bad dog

I Don't want to be

Some people call me a problem or a disorder

What's a disorder? I don't know

What's the problem? I don't know

Why can I not speak up or say things without stuttering? Why can I not understand as fast as other's and stop my eyes from wandering all across the room? Why do I fidget , why do I scream , why do I cry , WHY DO I SEE, WHY DO I HEAR, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT I DON'T WANNA SEE IT MAKE IT ALL GO AWAY NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!


. . .

I'm not a bad dog

I'm not

I wasn't

I won't be

I'm not a bad dog

I'll pick out the right answer without any instruction

You won't have to repeat yourself , or ask me to talk louder

I'll keep my head down and keep quiet

I'll be able to walk pass a crowd and they won't notice I'm there

I won't ask any questions or ruin your day

I'll be a good dog

For my owner


I see my reflection

And I'm not a dog.

I'm a human

A normal one that makes mistakes

And I can't help it

I can't help it

But somehow , somewhere , the blame is always on me

I'm a bad dog
A bad human
A bad person
A bad thing
I'm bad
And that's all
I'll ever be

I might as well
Keep ignoring you
And everything around me

Until my eyes
Meet the cliff that's
Been following me
And I'll jump off

Or maybe I'll
Find the ocean
And drown away

Become a peice
Of clothing and
Hang myself on
The door?

Paint my face
A bright red
With that
Weapon humans

Possibly burn
My skin and
Turn to ash

I'll wear away
And no one
Will have to see
Me ever again

But that's okay

That's what they wanted . . .



I was a bad dog
And bad dogs
Get punished
Never to see
The sunlight
The following

"I'm not a violent dog , I don't know why I bite" - Isle of dogs

(I loved this movie. I remember watching it for the first time back then and just absolutely falling in love with the characters and the way their portrayed and move, and the political environment because it was like no other movie I had seen before, and it blended my love for animals and politics together which was awesome lol. It's one of my favorite movies and brings me this odd comfort that's like a blanket sheltering you from the world and keeping you safe. Anyways, this poem was inspired by the Qoute and its a vent really of how I'm viewed by other people and hate being the weird "dog" I am. Luv you guys, drink water, eat, and get some sleep <3)

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