the older man [poem | true story]

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I know this man
I see him everywhere I go

When I look down the halls
I meet his gaze
A friendly one
Not eyes that are
A evil maze

He stares a
Menacing glare
But he's a nice man

I've talked to him
He smiles, he laughs

It makes me blush

And reminds me that he's
Something I can't have

It's not because he's got a girl...
Or that he just doesn't seem to like me

He's a different man

A man with a house, a man with a car, a man with a lady, a man that has age

And I'm just a girl, a girl with bag and
Work to do.

My heart is too young, his eyes are too old

When I look down the halls
I meet his gaze
A friendly one
Not eyes that are
A evil maze

I feel disgusting inside
A fear that builds up

Why do I like him? He's too much.

But my heart beats and it aches, a father figure but one that I can't keep

I want my hands all over him

(My heart beats)

I want my lips to touch his

(My heart beats)

I want to be his

(My heart beats)

I want him

(And it aches)

I want him

I want him

I want him

I want him

I want him


but that's wrong
That's bad
"Bad girl"
- what I imagine he'd said

See, he can't leave my mind
Even a glance of his shirt or his pants... his strong arms... his deep voice... blue eyes...

He's mine.

I know this man
I see him everywhere I go

I know his address

I know his wife

I know his car

I know his number

I know his records

I know his full name

I know his age

I know his family

I know everything.

When he looks down the halls
He meets my gaze
A smiley face
Not dulls eyes that can
Easily be erased

He stares with eyes of confusion
But kindness nonetheless (I THINK HE KNOWS I THINK HE KNOWS)

He's talked to me
He let me in
I know his secrets
I know his life
I'll take out his heart
And repair the wounds

I'll practically be him.

He doesn't blush back
But that's alright

I'll remind him that I'm near, a
Opportunity for him to take

It's not because I'm looking for a lover...
Or that I'm a lonely person

I'm a different girl

A girl with his fingers, his scent, his arms, his hair, his pictures embedded into my mind

And he's just a man, a man with a job and a tasks to complete


I'm a child. He's a adult.

But thank my father if you have a complaint. He let me watch adult shows at a young age. I got addicted to porn.. what a tough ride.

But that's okay. I'll never hurt him, I won't bite, I won't scream...

"Be a good girl" - I think he'd say.

He loves me doesn't he?
I'll make it look like a movie
He loves me doesn't he?
I'll make it look like a show
He loves me doesn't he?
I'll make it look like porn
He loves me doesn't he?
I'll make it look like a story
He loves me doesn't he?
I'll make it look like book
He loves me doesn't he?
I'll make it look like a dream
He loves me doesn't he?
I'll make it look like a drawing
He loves me doesn't he?
I'll blow off some steam


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