chapter 24 Obi-Wan Vs Jango Fett

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Obi-Wan pov

I had just contacted master Yoda and master Windu I was told to take Jango Fett back alive if I could I quickly made my way towards the entrance of the ship port

Jango: Boba get to the ship

Obi-Wan: Jango Fett you are under arrest in the name of the senate and the galactic republic

Jango fires his twin blaster pistols at me I deflected with my blue bladed Lightsaber

I charged forward only for him wrap a grappling hook around my arms I slammed into Jango and we began sliding in the side Jango Fett used arm blades to anchor himself from falling

I hung over the water and swung onto a platform as Jango cut the grappling hook free

I landed on another platform and I quickly made my way towards the ship port

I watched as Jango Fett climbed onto the ship as I approached the ship I was blasted by the ships Lazer Canon

The ship flew off into the distance I quickly made my way towards my jedi star fighter began pursuing the bounty hunters ship

Jango fired a torpedo and my ship was knocked of course and I hid in a asteroid belt

I was able to chart a course to follow Jango Fett to his next destination

The last thing we see is chancellor Palpatine standing in his office watching the city of courasaunt with a sinister smile on his face everything was going according to plan and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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