chapter 19 a search for answers and the lost planet kamino

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Obi-Wan pov

I stood in the forensics laboratory as the forensics Droid analyzed the dart that killed the bounty hunter

Obi-Wan: so you find anything

Forensics Droid: sadly no theirs nothing in our database

Obi-Wan: how can that be the jedi archives know everything

Forensics Droid: I'm sorry master jedi

I made my way towards the Dexter's diner

Waitress: what can I get you

Obi-Wan: oh I'm not looking to buy anything I'm looking for a old friend Dexter Greeze

Waitress: dexter sweetie their is someone to see you

Dexter: Obi-Wan my old friend its so good to see you

Obi-Wan: I've come to ask you about a oddities I came across

Dexter: ah yes a kamonian dart were did you find this

Obi-Wan: a bounty hunter was killed with this what is kamino

Dexter: it's a outerim planet

Obi-Wan: why have I never heard about it

Dexter: the jedi don't know everything

Obi-Wan: it was good to see you again old friend

Dexter: anytime Obi-Wan anytime

I made my way back to the jedi temple and searched for the planet kamino to notice it was missing from the jedi archives

Obi-Wan: excuse me my lady I'm looking for the planet kamino

Librain: if the archives don't know it thus it doesn't exist

I made my way into master Yoda room to see him teaching younglings

Obi-Wan: sorry to interrupt master Yoda but I need your help

Yoda: younglings Lightsabers down say hello to master Kenobi

Younglings: hello master Kenobi

Obi-Wan: hello younglings I have a problem I'm trying to find a planet but its not in the archives

Yoda: younglings it seems master Kenobi has lost a planet how unfortunate how unfortunate

Obi-Wan: it's supposed to be in the outerim but it is missing from the jedi archives

Yoda: search out with your feelings and you'll find your hidden answer

Obi-Wan reached out with his feelings and discovered the location of kamino he opened his eyes to see the planet glowing before me

Obi-Wan: it's their

Yoda: very good master Kenobi but I have to wonder who erased kamino from the archives

Obi-Wan: I don't know I just don't know

The last thing we see is Obi-Wan and Anakin and Jaden going up the elevator to the council chambers for a much needed conversation and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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