chapter 13 the battle for naboo part 1

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Qui Gon Gin pov

We stood in the middle of the naboo forests as captain Panaca returned with a squad of royal gaurds

we quickly got into the speeder headed towards theed city

I watched as the wookie tribe rode off towards the trade federation army

We road into the city We fought our way towards the palace hanger so we could send pilots to destroy the command ship

Jaden: master Qui Gon Gin what do we do now

Anakin: yeah I wonder that to

Qui Gon Gin: you two get into n1 star fighters and stay their until I come back to get you two

We fought our way towards the entrance of the naboo core when the doorway suddenly swung open revealing a zabrak with red and black skin with black tattoos across his face

Darth Maul had arrived and was ready for a fight today the jedi would know the power of the darkside

Padme: we'll go the other way

Qui Gon Gin: don't worry we'll handle this

Qui Gon Gin and Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul threw off their cloaks and ignited their lighsabers and got in defensive stances getting ready for battle

Jaden and Anakin knew Padme and the theed royal gaurds needed help so they activated the n1 star fighters and started opening fire on the drodicars

Anakin: Jaden are you thinking what I'm thinking

Jaden: let's blow up that comand ship

We flew away from theed city as the battle raged on below

We see the wookies standing proudly with their vibro blades and bowcasters ready for the battle that would change the fate of naboo

The last thing we see is Qui Gon Gin and Obi-Wan Kenobi locking Lightsaber blades with mysterious sith lord and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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