chapter 5 a dinner with the Skywalkers and a dark plan is in motion

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Jaden pov

We lead are new friends into our home our mother Schmee Skywalker walked into the room with a confused expression

Jaden: mom these are our new friends mom

Qui Gon Gin: your sons are very kind they offered us shelter from the sandstorm

Schmee: Anakin and Jaden why don't you go wash up for dinner

Anakin: Padme come with us we have something to show you

Jaden gave his twin brother a sarcastic smile before following him inside their room Anakin explained C3P0 to Padme and Anakin activated him and C3P0 came to life with only one eye

Jaden placed the second eye on C3P0 he began to get to his feet

C3P0: I am C3P0 cybernetic human relations I'm fluent in over six million languages how can I assist you

R2-D2 beeps and began talking to C3P0 and Anakin and Jaden followed Padme to the dinner table

Qui Gon Gin: I wish we could a way to convince Watto to give us the hyperdrive

Anakin: you could back me and Jaden in the bon tue eve podrace

Schmee: no I don't want what happened last time to occur again

Padme: I'm sure we won't endanger your sons

Jaden: but mom you said that the galaxy would be safe if we all helped eachother

Qui Gon Gin: no we'll find another way

Schmee: no their right they have to help you their meant to help you

Jaden: thanks your the best

Jaden and Anakin ran into their mothers arms as she held them close Fang walked over towards the twin boys and pulled out two crystal necklaces and wrapped them around the boys necks

Fang: a gift for your Valor young pups may it guide you to your true path

Jaden: thank you Fang

Anakin: yeah thanks

Fang bent down and pulled them into a embrace then they broke apart and they all headed off to bed

The last thing we see is Darth Maul standing on a cliff of mos espa he activated his probe droids into the city everything was going according to plan and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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