chapter 9 welcome to courasaunt and dark intentions

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Qui Gon Gin

We landed on the landing pad senator Palpatine approached us

Senator Palpatine: it's good to see you your majesty

Queen Amidalla: you as well senator Palpatine

Senator Palpatine: these are troubling times your majesty I doubt vice chancellor velorum will not see us as easily as you thought

Queen Amidalla: then I'll call a meeting of the senate

Senator Palpatine: very well who's your little friends

Qui Gon Gin: these are Anakin and Jaden Skywalker I plan to take them to the jedi temple for training

Senator Palpatine: nice to meet you two I'll be keeping my eyes on your future adventures

Jaden: am I the only one who felt that was creepy

Anakin: hush Jaden your going to get us in trouble

Qui Gon Gin: why don't you go with the queen we need to have a word with the jedi council

Padme: come along you two you come with me

Qui Gon Gin turned to Fang and Fang nodded his head and followed the Queen and her hand maidens he would not allow any harm to happen to the Skywalker Brothers

Qui Gon Gin walked off towards a bus which would take us to the jedi temple

We see Qui Gon Gin and Obi-Wan Kenobi and they made their way into the jedi council chambers

Qui Gon Gin: we've encountered a dark lord of the sith

Yoda: troubling this is a sith of all things

Qui Gon Gin: I've also discovered two anomalies in the force

Mace: you the prophecy of the chosen ones and you think it's these boys

Qui Gon Gin: then you will test them then

Kiada: yes bring the boys before us

Qui Gon Gin: right away I leave the boys fates in your hands

We see Darth Maul and his master Darth Sidius walking on a balcony on discussing what would happen next

The last thing we see is Anakin and Jaden Skywalker walking towards Padme quarters to finally say their goodbyes to their new friend and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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