chapter 7 the race at bontu eve and the road to freedom

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Qui Gon Gin pov

We walked inside the docking bay we're Jaden and Anakin we're riding a camel like creatures then the horn blew and the Skywalker Brothers climbed off the camel like creatures

We pushed the pod racer to see Sabulba approaching the pod racer

Sabulba: I'd you think you're going to win your mistaken

Jaden: whatever you say chubba face you smell like bantha pudu

Subulba messed with the pod racer made his way towards his pod racer

Anakin: master I'm worried

Qui Gon Gin: keep your mind in the present and you'll be just fine

Jaden: we got this master

Qui Gon Gin: are fate is in your hands young ones

Anakin: no pressure or anything

The Hutts began the count down and Jaden and Anakin began to start up their pod racer

The bell rang and the other racers flew off into the distance leaving the brothers in the dust

Jaden and Anakin quickly fixed the problem and flew off into the distance They raced through tatooine desert while being shot at by tusken raiders

They were close to Sabulba and he wrapped his wires onto the brothers pod racer and the brothers quickly pulled free causing Sabulba to crash into the desert floor and the flew across the finish line they had won

Qui Gon Gin and Fang grabbed the Skywalker twins and held them on their shoulders as they left the arena

Watto approached Qui Gon Gin with a look of complete defeat he knew he had lost

Watto: you must have cheated somehow I know it so I take back my deal

Qui Gon Gin: should we take it to the Hutts I'm sure they will be more than happy to make you honor your agreement

Watto: fine take the boy's and the hyperdrive

Qui Gon Gin: very well may we never meet again

The last thing we see is Darth Maul sitting on a speeder headed for the noobien ship he had found his prey and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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