Ch. 2 - Lost and Found

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I keep getting distracted. I like putting on music when I write, but if I put on anything with lyrics, I end up stuck listening instead of writing. Current obsession being phantom of the opera, female version.

As a wise beta reader once said "keep writing or back to the coal mines"

[Kazue POV - July 25th]

The gentle rustling of the tarp covering me stirred me into consciousness and my mind slowly came back to me. Memories that I hadn't been familiar with having finally settled into place bringing a new clarity to my new reality.

I cracked my eyes open and pulled the tarp off my to see the door to the small shed ajar, letting a small breeze pass through. I stared at it for a bit as I tried to figure out what was wrong with that. Didn't I close that door?

My head throbbed causing me to wince as I thought back to what brought me here and grimaced. My entire body felt stiff, though I wasn't in nearly as much pain as before, my mouth felt dry and my stomach twisted in hunger, though I REALLY didn't want to get up. Ugh, I'm gonna have to, aren't I?

I sighed pitifully before easing myself up and shakily onto my feet, gaining my bearings, the rest of the tarp slipping off of me onto the floor. I painfully stretched my muscles and joints as the pain returned to my chest, though I could ignore that for now.

Wandering to the doorway, I poked my head out to look outside seeing no signs of anyone being here, the ground damp from what must have been rain. Weird... It must have rained since I've been here and it's too dry to have been overnight... How long have I been asleep?

Before I could think further, my stomach growled out to confirm that I had been here longer than it agreed with and wanted compensation.

Resigned, I began to look though the different boxes scattered around the room to see if I could find anything edible, though the chances were slim. Chances of any water were even less so however I held out some hope that I would find Something useful around here. And while I didn't find anything I could eat, I did find a tattered looking shirt that while, not great, was a far cry better than the top I had on currently that was still stained with blood and a long cut running across from where I had been struck down.

Poking around some more, I even found some worn training bandages I had seen people wearing on their arms and legs for support and such. Their length looked long enough to wrap my chest a few times, so I nodded to myself and set them aside.

Taking my shirt off, I looked down to see how bad things were. The wound was red and angry, though the stitches I had made seemed to be holding well for now. With some difficulty, I managed to secure my torso with the bandages before pulling on the old shirt and standing back up.

I hid my old shirt away behind one of the boxes since I wouldn't be able to start a fire right now and looked towards the door with mixed feelings, the most prominent being apprehension.

My throat was dry and my tongue felt like sandpaper in my mouth. I knew I had to find food and water soon, or things would get bad for me. I frowned to myself and inched towards the door, hand on the doorframe as I looked outside, though I kept myself in the shadow of the wall.

I could hear birds and insects through the forest which eased my worry a little. If there were any other people running around, I doubt they would be as active as they are now, unless the ninja were Jonin or higher...

Best not to think about it too hard. I clearly hadn't been found yet for whatever reason, and I wasn't going to complain about that, though I wasn't sure how long that was going to last either.

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