Chapter 18: Training

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In the days that followed Theo's revelation to Jasper, the two spent countless hours together, delving into Theo's newfound abilities. Under Jasper's patient guidance, Theo began to explore the extent of his powers, learning to control the flames that had once felt like a wild, untamed force within him.

In the safety of the Cullen household, away from prying eyes, Jasper helped Theo hone his skills, teaching him how to channel his emotions and focus his energy into precise, controlled bursts of fire. With each passing day, Theo felt himself growing more confident in his abilities, his fear giving way to a sense of empowerment he had never known before.

As they trained together in the secluded forest surrounding the Cullen household, Theo couldn't help but marvel at the transformation he was undergoing. With Jasper's guidance, he was beginning to embrace the power that had once filled him with fear, learning to wield it with precision and control.

But as Theo grew more comfortable with his abilities, a sense of unease began to gnaw at him. He knew that his powers set him apart from the rest of humanity, marking him as something different, something otherworldly. And despite the sense of liberation he felt in embracing his true nature, he couldn't shake the fear of what it might mean for his future.

As they finished another training session, Theo looked to Jasper, his expression filled with uncertainty. "What if I can't control it?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "What if I hurt someone?"

Jasper placed a reassuring hand on Theo's shoulder, his eyes filled with understanding. "You're stronger than you think, Theo," he said, his voice steady yet filled with conviction. "And you're not alone. We'll figure this out together."

With Jasper's encouragement, Theo felt a renewed sense of determination wash over him. Despite the uncertainties that lay ahead, he knew that as long as he had Jasper by his side, he could face whatever challenges came his way.

And as they walked back to the Cullen household together, Theo couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the bond he had formed with Jasper. For in him, he had found not only a mentor, but a friend—a confidant—who would stand by him no matter what. And for that, he was truly grateful.

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