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Relics POV.

I breathe a sigh of relief as the final bell rings, signaling the end of school for today.

I know I said school isn't actually that bad but, it gets boring. Plus I had a math period at the end of the day, what could be more torturous than that?

Isla helped me put all the stuff I didn't need back into my locker and now, we're heading to the parking lot, I walk her to her car and we exchange quick goodbyes before she drives off.

I guess it's time to look for my brothers. I walk over to the spot where we usually park the car but to my utter surprise, the space is empty, I look around to see if one of them moved the car somewhere else but it's all in vain.

There's no sign of a car, and no sign of my brothers and more than half of the kids at school have already left.

Of course they'd ditch me.

I roll my eyes and grab my phone from my pocket quickly dialing up Ezra's number. It rings a few times but he doesn't pick up so I try all the others numbers but none of them pick up either.

With a loud huff of frustration, I walk back into the building, it's no good standing outside anyway.

By now, almost everybody has left except a handful of people scattered about that I don't care to acknowledge.

I sit on one of the waiting chairs set about it the hallway huffing with anger at my brother's. I mean I expected this sooner or later but I'm still angry.

I try all their numbers again but again, none of them answer the phone so I make the final decision to call Alexi. I've been holding that off because I know if I do so, they'll be in big trouble.

I hope they get in big trouble.

I search for Alexi's number and I hold my breath as I dial it. I really hope he picks up.

Ring ring ring...

Please pick up you idiot.

Ring ring...

"Relic?" His voice comes out through the speaker and I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"What's wrong?" He asks after a few seconds of silence from my end and I try to find the right words to tell him that our brothers ditched me.

"I'm still at school and I can't find Ellis, Ezra or Atlas."

"What?" His angry voice booms through the phone and I shiver. Maybe I shouldn't have called him, I could have call anyone else actually, like I have so many options. Mom, dad, Solace, Levi, anyone else but for some crazy reason I called him.

"They left you?" He questions dangerously and I'm actually starting to panic for them now.

"Something important probably came up, just send someone to come pick me." I try to calm him down by giving them an excuse but I'm honestly also angry at them.

"No, I'm coming myself, stay put." With that he hangs up on me. I roll my eyes at his last statement. Like I have any other choice but to stay put.

I look around and realize I'm the only one left in school, even the teachers are gone. I sigh and rest my head against the wall closing my eyes. I really wish I had headphones at this point.

I start to slowly drift of to sleep when I hear a heart shattering scream resound throughout the hallway. My nerves spike up and my heart beats super fast but I try my best not to panic.

Another scream strikes my ears and I feel tears well up in my eyes, not out of fear or panic no, out of agony, but not mine, the person screaming.

I stand up and slowly make my way to the direction where the scream came from. My chest feels heavy as I walk and I stop to listen to anything that will lead me to the exact location of the scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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