Big fat tears.

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"Why are you home so early" Mom asks the minute we make it home, she stands up from her spot on a loveseat once she sees me and I'm not exactly a sight to behold, my eyes are bloodshot, my nose and cheeks are puffy and red and my hair is a complete mess from running and also pulling at it.

"What's wrong Relic?" She cups my face in worry and I force a smile and shake my head.


"She had a panic attack at school" Ellis interrupts me causing me to send him a deadly glare.

Mom immediately looses it and pulls me into a hug and starts sobbing.

Why the hell is she crying?.

"My baby, want happened talk to me" she says leading me to a couch but I stay rooted to my spot.

"I'm fine, I'm just gonna head up to my room" I walk off not giving her a chance to reply and go straight into my room.

I lie face down on my bed and tears start flowing out of my face and straight into bed.

They're coming to get me.

Snap out of it.

I sit up, go to the bathroom and wash my face. I raise my head to look at the mirror and I'm appalled by what I see, just as always my nose, eyes and cheeks are as red as a tomato and my hair is a mess.

I hop into the shower and scrub my body till it's red before I wash my hair and finally get out.

Just as I'm done getting ready Solace waltzes into my room without knocking.

"Don't any of you know how to knock?" I ask angrily and Solace just shrugs me off.

He quietly takes a seat on my bed and I shoot him a glare.

"What do you want?" I ask taking a seat on my vanity with my back facing him as I stare at my reflection.

"I don't really know" I turn around to give him a bewildered look.

"You can't be serious" I say but I'm met with silence which seems to aggravate me.

"If you don't need anything leave my room." I mumble and turn back to my mirror.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly says and I can't help but crack a smile.

"You've said that once" I mumble and rest my head on my dresser.

I hear him shut the door and I let out a sigh of relief.

What the hell am I doing.

I bang my head on the table out of frustration.

I'm supposed to be mad at these people, I'm supposed to resent them, I'm supposed to be taking revenge on them, I'm supposed to find a way to make their life miserable but I can't.

It's not that easy to throw away a bond even though that's exactly I want to do.

Damn it.

I get up and go straight out of my room and no one's anywhere to be found. As usual.

I go straight out of the front door and once I reach the gate I see security, I hesitate at first but then make my way out.

To my absolutely shock, none of them stop me as I wonder out of the house.

I start walking aimlessly, I let my legs take control as I get stuck in my thoughts and I don't realize that I've gotten to the place where my life was ruined.

The park.

It looks... deserted.

I run my hands along the rails of the rusted iron gate and I feel shivers run up my spine.

I gently push it open and it opens with a very loud screech due to it's rusted hinges.

I slowly walk in taking note of how empty it is as I go straight to the middle, I look around and I feel tears well up in my eyes as images of how I had first met Aubrey come rushing back.

I see the tree where we sprayed those girls with mud water and I giggle to myself.

I guess those few moments with Aubrey were the best moments of my life.

I walk over to where I had seen her crying and surprisingly, I saw poppy; her teddy bear right where I had left it.

I slowly pick up the stuffed bear careful not to tear off the already damaged arms. I bring the teddy bear to my chest and close my eyes trying to stop the tears that threatened to spill out of my eyes.

I wish I had found a way to save her.

I hear a crunching sound and I quickly open my eyes but I find no one. Suddenly I get a feeling that I'm being watched causing goosebumps to rise up my skin.

I quickly walk out of the park and take the trail back home, I feel a presence behind me but when I turn around to check, I see no one. I quicken my pace and eventually I break into a run.

When I turn around again, I see a hooded figure chasing me. I panic and adrenaline fills my body causing me to  break into a full on sprint.

I spot the gate to our house and I start screaming at the security.

"Help" I yell and once they see me, they all pull out their guns and start running towards me.

"What is it ma'am" one of them asks with a stern but concerned tone in his voice as I struggle to catch my breath.

"He's chasing m..." I pause as turn around to point at the hooded figure but I find no one.

"I'm sure you just imagined it ma'am" the security says with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Come, we'll escort you inside" I'm too stunned to speak so I just start walking and they follow right behind me.

How could he just disappear?.

I'm lost in thought as the security rings the doorbell for me.

Alexi swings the door open and gazes down at me with his usual stupid cold glint in his eyes.

"Where have you been?" He asks in a monotone voice and I roll my eyes.

"Out" I reply shortly and push past him letting myself into the house.

"You don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you" he nearly growls at me which makes me almost flinch, almost.

"I do what I want" I tell him and continue making my way upstairs.

Surprisingly, he doesn't come after me or scream at me or anything, he just walks out of the house making me sigh in relief.

I go to mom's room to check up on her and I come across a heartbreaking sight.

Mom is sat Infront of her mirror with a clipper in her shaking hands as big fat tears roll down her face.

"Mom?" I call out and she quickly wipes her face before turning to me.

"Yes, sweetheart?" She coos in a crocked voice indicating that she's been crying.

"Let me help you" I say pushing down the lump in my throat and I walk over to her.

"Oh honey, I didn't want you to have to see this part" she says and fresh new tears start falling from her eyes.

"It's okay" I whisper, my own tears falling from my eyes as I gently take the clipper out of her hands.

I begin to shave her beautiful blonde hair with tears running down both I and hers cheeks. Once I'm done, she looks at the mirror and suddenly breaks into histerical sobs and that sight breaks my heart so I decide to take a risk.

I bring the clipper up to my head and start shaving it off.

"Relic" my mother exclaims and I sush her.

"It's okay mom" I tell her and she closes her eyes.

I watch as my darker blonde hair falls In patches to the floor and I successfully give myself a buzz cut.

"Mom, you're not in this alone."

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