it's getting better?

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Tinn was somehow able to convince Sound to join the music club. Fourth, didn't ask any questions, just grateful that it was one less thing for him to do. Sound was fitting well with the music club, although him and Win still argued a lot. Enemies to lovers? Fourth will look into that, but for now, he was grateful.

The teachers were impressed with the music club because they went from being D students to being A and B+ students in a short span of time. They were even more impressed with Gun's grade, who was now head to head with Tinn and Tiw as an A+ student. It really wasn't that hard for Fourth because had already been through the curriculum and aced it before. When asked, he just claimed that the school president had been tutoring them, which got Tinn to receive a lot of praise.

Even Khajorn was less hostile towards them, but he still glared at Fourth from time to time, but there wasn't any real heat, though.

The music club still had BBQ pork from time to time, but this time, they were joined by the school council (Tinn and Tow mostly). Fourth was pretty sure that Tiw was there mostly for Por, but alas, Por was just as oblivious as Gun and Win. At least Sound wasn't as oblivious as the rest of them, just really passive-aggressive and sometimes just aggressive aggressive, but Fourth supposes that for someone like Win, it could work. Maybe it's a kink thing?

Mae Gim had gone to her latest physical examination, and the procedure was in a week's time. Fourth tried not to think about it because if he did, he would end up overthinking the whole thing. Overthinking usually leads him to insomnia, which is never a good thing, especially for a high school student.

Mae Gim was great, keeping it together for Fourth. Always offering him smiles, and they would sometimes cook dinner together. Fourth could see that the whole situation was stressful for her and that she was probably scared. So he tried being there for her, being as supportive as possible.

Fourth was tired, though. He missed his friends, his little sister, his parents, and most of he missed Gemini. As much as he liked spending time with Tinn, and as much as he liked Tinn- because who wouldn't like Tinn?- he really missed Gemini. Gemini was different from anyone Fourth has ever met. He was frustrating, funny, unfairly talented, beautiful, and so beautiful it was truly unfair and just weird. Fourth thinks he misses Gemini's weirdness the most.

After dinner with Mae Gim, she gave him a hug and insisted that he go rest and she would do the dishes.

"You have been helping me clean and cook every day now. Go and rest, na. Go spend time on that tiktok thing you kids enjoy." Mae Gim had said, chasing him off.

When he got to his room, he found the deity there already in the form of Gemini. It's like the deity knows what he needs without even asking for it. Without saying anything, he went and hugged the form of his best friend and first love. The deity even smelled like Gemini.

"You did so well. Fotfot." The deity said, caressing his head lovingly. Even its voice sounded like Gemini's deep tenor voice and Fourth could help but cry, holding on tightly to the form of his dear friend.

"There there. It's okay. Fotfot." The deity said in Gemini's voice.

"Sing me a song, would you?" Fourth asked, sniffling a bit. He would love to hear Gemini sing to him, even if it's just once. Tinn had Gemini's voice, but the other was too shy to sing, and Fourth couldn't possibly use Tinn like that. He knows if he asked, Tinn would sing for him. He didn't want Tinn to sing for him because he wanted to hear Gemini's voice, but he wanted Tinn to sing for him as Tinn.

"What song would you want me to sing for you?" The deity asked, holding him close, caressing his head.

"The song Gem wrote for me... for us." Fourth said softly, calming down a bit.

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