operation fix it

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Fourth pushed away all negative thoughts he had after speaking to the deity. At least the deity seemed to care about him, and it seemed like it was actively trying to help him. So at least he had some comfort in that. For now, he had to carry out his plan to get the music club in shape, get Tinn elected as school president, and win hotwave while successfully seducing Tinn, of course.

When he got to the music club, he found the members indulging BBQ pork once again as if they didn't have it in the morning. Seriously, how much pork can these people eat? They didn't even have vegetables on the side.

"Hey guys, I came up with a plan, and the person I asked to run for school president agreed." Fourth said as he sat down beside Por.

"Who?" Phat asked, and the others looked at him curiously, clearly eager to know.

"Tinn." Fourth simply said, taking a piece of pork, popping it into his mouth. It was pretty good. He guesses he could understand why the members indulge in it so often.

"Tinn? As in Tinnaphob Jirawatthanakul? The principals son?" Win asked in disbelief.

"The one and only." Fourth replied nonchalantly, popping another piece of pork into his mouth.

"Why would you do that? He won't help us! We are screwed!" Yo said, throwing his hands up in the air. Fourth had to fight the urge to not roll his eyes. He was doing that so often these days.

"No, we are not. Tinn will help us as long as we keep our end of the deal." Fourth said with a sigh.

"Which is?" Por asked curiously.

"We need to improve our grades and win hotwave." Fourth said, and the members all groaned as if what he asked of them was impossible.

"Come on, you guys. This is important. We promised our seniors that we would keep the music club going. This way, we get to get on the principals good side, and Por, you don't have to lie to your parents about getting extra tutoring because you will." Fourth explained, and the others reluctantly agreed.

"But who will tutor us?" Phat asked, fixing his glasses. Well, Fourth thought he could do it since everything was quite easy for him anyway, but he guesses that could be too suspicious. He wonders if he could get Tinn and Tiw to tutor them, this way, he gets to spend time flirting with Tinn. This should be fun.

"I have an idea. But first, we need to run a campaign to help Tinn be selected as president." Fourth said with a grin, rubbing his hands together like some sort of villain in a 90's movie.

The music club distributed flyers to various students to convince them to select Tinn as president. They talked to other students about how great Tinn would be as president and how he plans to make the student life at their school better.

Tinn won by a landslide, not that he needed the help in the first place because Tinn, according to Fourth, was just 'amazing' and 'too adorable'. Yet the help of the music club helped sway those students who were undecided.

Unfortunately, things are never that easy, and fortunately, for Fourth, he knew what was coming. After Tinn was announced president it was announced that all club members that brought no contribution or recognition to the school would be cut off.

"We told you that this was a bad idea, Gun!" Win said angrily. Which was to be expected because Win's default settings were angry and hungry. The only time he was less angry and grumpy was when he started dating Sound. Maybe Fourth should make that happen sooner.

"Relax, would you. I will talk to Tinn and figure this out. Our music club will stay intact. Just trust me on this one, okay? In the meantime, let's start with our homework before we start with practice in an hour." Fourth said and received groans from the other members, well the other members except Por who seemed eager to start with their science home work.

"Plus, I brought snacks." Fourth offered, and that seemed to cheer everyone up.

Por helped them with their science homework since he knew the most out of everyone, well except for Fourth, but he couldn’t possibly let everyone know that. Everyone seemed to cooperate and surprisingly able to understand what Por was explaining. They may be idiots but at least they weren't dumb.

After they were done with their homework, they started with the band practice. They sounded good, actually. They could be better, but Fourth was working on it. If only Gemini was here to help, things would be so much easier. However, Sound was supposed to be coming to their school soon, so that should help the club.

"That was really good, you guys. Por just work on the keyboard. You tend to get just a little excessive at times. And Phat work a bit on your rhythm it tends to be off at times. Yo, work on getting the keys right and Win you did great on the bass. Keep it up." Fourth said, giving constructive criticism to his friends, something he knows very well that Gun never did.

"Oh, I will work on it. Thanks, Ai'Gun." Por, always so sweet, replied with a smile.

After that, everyone seemed to accept criticism quite well with promises to improve themselves. Even Win, who is always scowling or angry about something, seemed happy. Fourth sighed a breath of relief at that.

"Since everyone did so well today, how about we go to my place for some dessert? My treat." Fourth offered and received cheers all around. Fourth knew Mrs. Gim's shaved ice would do the trick.

When they got to his home, P'Lookwa- his mother, welcomed them with a warm smile and promises of getting them some shaved ice. Fourth had to swallow his tears at the thought that this was his mother now. As loving and caring as Gim was, it was still not the same as being with his mother and father. Should he get back to his own universe, he promises to spend as much time as he can with them.

"How was your day, boys?" His mother - wow, he will never get used to P'Lookwa being his mother - asked as she brought their dessert.

"It was good, Mae Gim. We studied a bit before we practiced." Yo replied, already digging in the shaved ice.

"Yeah, and we are getting really good too." Phat replied, also digging in the shaved ice.

"Studying? With this menace?" His mother asked with an amused smile, mirth dancing in her eyes.

"Yes, Mae Gim. It was Gun's idea to improve our grades and get on the principals good side." Por said with a smile.

"Mn. I am proud of your son." His mother ruffled his hair playfully and kissed the top of his head.

"Krub mae." Fourth said, blinking away the tears that were threatening to fall.

Oh, how he missed his mother. Mae Pui will always be appreciated when Fourth comes back to his own world. For now, he will ensure that Mae Gim is appreciated and knows how loved she truly is. Because if one thing Fourth knows about Gun is how much he loves his mother.

Slowly, but surely, things were coming along great. He just hoped that the deity would keep his end of the bargain. For now, though, he allowed himself to relax and spend time with his Gun's friends.

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