what to do now?

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Fourth ended up not going to the assembly. He had a panic attack in the school bathroom, grieving for his life and his loved ones. The image alone of his parents finding out that he died, how devastated his little sister was going to be, his friends were going to be heartbroken especially Gemini. He never got to confess his love for his bestfriend and now it was probably too late.

He eventually managed to calm down holding on to the deity words about the best case scenario. For now he would have to live Gun's life for him the best way possible. Try to achieve Gun's dreams in the meantime and making sure that when he comes back to his life he is at least happy.

He would have to start with getting Gun's mother to see a doctor so that she doesn't end up having to go through surgery and hopefully the tumor at this time hasn't grown that much. Secondly he would have to fix Gun's grades, as loveable as Gun was. He was still an idiot. He would have to save the music club and ensure that this time they actually do win hotwave. Lastly he would have to get Gun and Tinn together, because Gun once again was an oblivious idiot and it took way too long for the two to get together. It was also a bonus that Tinn just so happens to  be Gemini's exact copy.

If the worst case scenario happens then at least... No he will not think about the worst case scenario. He will just hold on on to the hope that the deity and his brothers will become successful. He looked at himself in the mirror and washed his faced, cleaning the tear stripes on his face. He can't do anything about how red and puffy his eyes are but at least he looked presentable. Satisfied with how he looked he made his way to the classroom.

Fortunately for him he wasn't late for his first class but almost everyone was there. He saw how Gemini- no Tinn- He saw how Tinn looked at him. All worried and sad about him. He wanted to go over there and hug him tightly for comfort, even though this was not his Gemini he had no doubt that Tinn's hugs would be just as comforting but that would look too weird and suspicious. So he went to the back of the class to sit with his friends who were equally as worried.

"Oh Gun. You must have heard the news about Photjanee trying to get rid off the music club." Por said patting his back in comfort.

"It's nothing to cry about though Gun. We will ensure it doesn't happen. That is why Phat stated that the school president be the one that decides the future of the music club." Win said in his own angry way to comfort him.

"But what if the school president hates us? We all know most of the students view us as delinquents." Yo stated receiving a slap on the back of his head from Win. Fourth would have found it funny but he was too tired to find humour in anything right now.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Yo whined, rubbing his head.

"We are trying to comfort Gun here and you are making things worse you idiot." Win said making Yo pout.

"It's okay. Besides Yo is right. That is why we need to find someone who will be on our side." Fourth said and he had the perfect person in mind.

"But who could that be?" Por asked and all the others looked at him expectantly.

"I have the perfect person in mind. Don't worry about it." Fourth said grinning when he caught Tinn stealing glances in his direction.

Unlike in the series he will not run for school president only for Tinn to win. He will not work against Tinn this time around. Instead he will talk to Tinn and convince him into running as the school president, even help him win. Not that Tinn needed any help with that, Tinn was popular and loved by a lot of students. Only he doesn't see that too focused on Gun to pay attention to anything else.

This time around he will have to get the members to improve in their grades and not slack around. Por already had the potential but was playing dumb for their sake, he will get them to became A students, B+ students if he failed. He could do this, he was determined to.

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