Subject 13: It's Named Shuffle Test for Reasons

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"Is that all there is to the meeting, Karuizawa-san?" 

It was 8:40 at night. Preparing to make a coffee whilst in a phone conversation with Karuizawa, I told her to sent a recording of the meeting that they had during the evening. 

That time I was busy doing something with Arisu, so I asked her to be the one who replaces me for the meeting that I actually need to attend. 

To cut in short, this is the full conversation. Or the oversimplification of things.

It was evening, probably 5:00 PM, Horikita Suzune, Kushida Kikyou, Hirata Yousuke, Karuizawa Kei and Sudou Ken all met at the cafe called 'Palette. 

The sequence of events of their arrival are like this, according to Karuizawa's perspective. Let's just take her quote from that.

"First, Horikita-san called me to ask your whereabouts and told me to ask about you the reason why you're not coming to the important meeting." She stated. Her tone switched to a protest before it goes off from the original topic.

"Well, actually. I wanted to ask, why are you with Sakayanagi-sa-"

"Go on." I replied. From what I hear, my cold tone seems to affect her, pushing her back into the original affair, proven by her responsive silent.

She sigh before she continues on. "Sorry. Anyway, once that done, I lied to her that you're simply busy with a matter elsewhere, dealing with someone special."

"And how's her reaction?"

"She's a bit upset by the whole explanation but she ate it up and continue calling on everyone else to attend the meeting."

There, pause. She ate up a lie without noticing it was a lie? I shall say this was a unrealistic, considering she'll usually hunt down the truth until she gets it but let's just continue on from this.

They then met on the intersection of a hallway and stairs that goes both above and below. From her words, I could sense some hostility from Hirata. Quote from her.

"He's unapproachable. Did he hated me because he thought that I spread the rumors that we're breaking up. From his face it seems like that was his problem with me."

'I shall later ask this with Hirata-kun. Looks like this is a rather complicated subject to deal with currently.'

Though I already knew the answer that Arisu was the one who started all of this, the student image of Hirata being blamed for making Karuizawa attempting suicide. It's no strange that Hirata's reputation plummeted from that single action.

In other words, the other students thought that Hirata was abusing Karuizawa. 

Back to where I left. As they were talking about the place of the meeting with Karuizawa suggested to go on a cafe, Kushida came out of nowhere and volunteered herself to also attend the meeting.

Also to mention, Sudou is there, yet somehow never mentioned to speak or trying to utter his own opinion. Good for him and her.

Simply agreeing with Kushida's offer, all five of them then set off to a journey to Palette cafe. 

"...Are all of you stupid or something?" I said from the other side of the called. My tone is small enough to be inoffensive but loud enough to made sure that Karuizawa heard my statement.

Not responding to my out of nowhere comment, she continued testifying.

Sure, that was unneeded, but the fact that no one opposes, not even Horikita that they'll probably be eavesdrop by someone unwanted has amazed me.

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