Subject 3: Opening to the Queen's Gambit

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It was a door in front of me, a huge door made out of marble wood. Designs of the school coat of arms and motive were all marvelous and all, but because it's for the old man, that much is obvious. 

With the door slowly being pushed by the President's assistant, like a light into the darkness, the shadow inside was illuminated by the light from the sun that originated from the window outside.

Walking in with caution, the door slowly close behind me as in front of me, stand the chairman of Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, or known by me as the old man, Director Sakayanagi.

'Looks like the negotiation has started.' I commented as the door behind me was shut close. 'Shall we look at the chessboard, old man?'

The two of our eyes met together, with the cold air that originates from air conditioner dwells inside the room once again. Before long, an opening smile from the old man was played.

"Ah, Ayanokouji-kun, my apologies of not meeting you sooner. How's the school for you?"

'Not trying for a direct confrontation with what I'm going to ask, I see. For now, I could serve him the first replying line.'

"It's been expected from a school under you, director Sakayanagi. Very much an honor for one to enter." 

I tried with a warm face, but it seems like the old man didn't seem to buy it. As for his threatening smile, it has been decreasing from my reply. 

"I see, so do you have any problems recently then, Ayanokouji-kun?"

'Looks like I'm expecting a little bit too much from this old man. Still, if this is a trap, I need to be a little...'

"I do actually, director Sakayanagi."

His expression subtely expressed surprised before dropped into a serious one. Is he not involved in all of this?

"Would you say what is it, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"Are you the one who's responsible in altering my points passing the twenty million more than it suppose to?" I replied softly, trying to probe his reaction.

Showing my phone and the point present on my account, his face is underterred.

"And why would you suspect me of doing so?"

"Sending twenty million points into my account isn't something that someone could lightly do without being suspended."

A faint smile is all he could reply with before leaning back to his chair.

"Even for you, that reason is a bit shallow, isn't it? I mean, everyone could add those points without getting caught by sending it through the syste-"

"Why would anyone does the thing that a director would do, Director Sakayanagi?" I reply back, for a second his face tensed before going to his normal expression.

"What do you mean by that, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"For a normal teacher that's trying to sabotage me in such ways, it isn't possible since I just entered, and this reason has also have the same effect against the other personnel that's working in the point administration."

"Still, even with that, it's still too blurry for you to take the line that I was the one who did i-."

"The other staff inside this school doesn't know or have any clear motive to give me such treatment." Storing my phone back into my pocket, slowly walk and leans forward from his table. 

"For them, I'm just a regular high school student that attends here. Since my father wasn't able or even wanted to locate me...Director Sakayanagi, care to explain?"

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