"I told you what I was going to do.." She mumbled again my lips before interlocking hers with mine.

I moaned, whined, and whimpered into her mouth as I came onto her fingers. As I came down from my high, she lowered her head and French kissed my center. She licked me dry, swallowing my juices, as I tangled my hands into her hair.

It felt so good to feel her lips on me after not having it for days. It may seem like I'm being dramatic but I'm truly addicted to her.

After we were done and showered we cuddled in bed together. "I'm sorry I didn't have my ring on I—"

"—Again." I cut her off. "Huh?" I turned around lying against my arms that were rested on her stomach.

"You didn't have it on again just like the other day where we were on the phone while you were at that hotel bar with Trina and you forgot it." I placed quotations marks around forgot because I wasn't convinced.

"Baby we were at a cooking event. I don't like to wear my ring when I cook so I forgot to put it back on when I got back to the hotel. As for today I was rushing through the airport and forgot to put it back on once I made it through security."

"Okay, I'm just messing with you." I replied. I wasn't actually over it but I was tired of talking about it.

She already apologized and I knew she would try harder to remember. At this point I wanted to see more action and less words. Apologies were nothing without actively changing the behavior.

"Kandi..I know you well enough for know you are dead serious and I understand. I would feel the same if my wife kept forgetting her ring. I take full accountability and I promise to do better." She lifted my left hand and kissed where my ring is causing me to blush.

"Stop talking dirty to me.." I laughed before mushing her. "We just finished and you trying to go again." She laughed.

"I finished but I didn't get a taste yet.." I lowered my hand between her legs before lowering my body.


I checked my left hand before pulling out of our driveway. I meant what I said last night. I needed to actively do better about remembering my ring. It was the least I could do as a wife.

I took serious vows that I intend to keep and I swore them over this ring. This ring that my wife bought for me. I smiled as I drove down the block.

My music suddenly paused as Kandi began to call me. I answered saying, "Yes princess?"

"I miss you already come back.." She whined causing me to laugh. "I won't be gone that long. I'm just checking on three restaurants and the truck.."

"Well at least let me come with you.." I could hear the pout through the phone and I rolled my eyes as I did a u-turn.

"No Kandi, I already left the house. You'll see me later."

"So you want a divorce?" She asked and I sucked my teeth. "Are you dressed?"

"Yay!" She squealed as I hung up and did a u-turn towards our house. I drove down the street until I and sit to our block and turned into the driveway. I watched as she walked out a couple minutes later holding a blanket, snacks, and her water bottle.

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