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Her hand clasped around my mouth as she continued to pound into me from behind. I remember thinking this was the best sex I'll ever have in my life and I never wanted it to end.

She leaned in closer until she took my earlobe between her teeth. I moaned out her name as she let out a disapproving grunt.

"That's not my name baby.." She whispered into my ear and I gasped as her hand moved down to my ass to leave a hard slap across it.

My moans were trapped in my throat as I tried to correct myself. As if that wasn't enough to leave me stuck, her hand wrapped around my throat. She squeezed twice letting me know her patience was running thin.

"Come on, baby tell me what I need to hear.." She said. Her voice echoes in my head to this day.

Her tone was equivalent to butter. It was so smooth and seductive. It enticed my every desire with just one simple phrase. Before I knew what was even said my body was already reacting.

So with everything in me I couldn't do anything but what she said. "Oh my God! Daddy!" I finally moaned—

Tiny lifted her head from the pages in front of her in horror not believing her eyes.

"Kandi—girl! I can not read this in broad day light!" Tiny yelled as her eyes grew wide and she closed the book in her hand.

"Uh—you're a rookie I was writing half of this book in a coffee shop.." Kandi laughed as she closed her copy of the book and placed it onto her coffee table.

"Well maybe it's the wine or maybe it's this chapter but damn! I can not believe some of the shit you wrote in this book.." She said as she used her hand to fan herself.

"Now you understand why I had to write about this. I mean my sex life is amazing if I do so say myself.." She smiled, proudly.

"Girl how many stories are with this woman because I wanna read all of them.."

"Ha! Just that one. I've only had sex with her once... it was a one night stand but it changed my life." Kandi shrugged as she got up to refill my wine glass.

Kandi just finished writing her new book about her favorite sexual encounters. She was an erotica writer and while going through a bit of writers block she decided to give the fantasies a rest and write about her actual sex life.

Kandi didn't have sex that often but when she did it wasn't something that you couldn't forget.

She kept a small list of partners not that a body count was a big deal to her but she intended to be safe. Sex with trusted individuals provided comfortability that you don't just find with your average hookup.

Well unless you counted her hookup with a special someone that was a one night stand. But she was positive that it would never happen again. No matter how good it was.

Which was why she made it chapter one. It was her favorite from all the others. She knew after reading that chapter anyone with working emotions would be hooked.

The same way she's been hooked with that same story swirling around in her head for the past ten years.

All the other encounters in her book were simply fillers. She couldn't care less about them. The real reason this book was even created is because she spent the last ten years being haunted by the way Tamika Scott did her body.

She ruined her for anyone else and as angry as Tamika probably was with her, still to this day, she knew that was her full intention.

The woman wanted Kandi at her mercy far after she ruined what could have been a great relationship between the two.

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