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"Slow down before we end up in a ditch!" Kandi yelled.

I laughed as I slowed down a little bit but not completely. I would blame the speeding on the fact that we were late but this was pretty normal for me. I just don't like cruising and I honestly wasn't driving that fast, Kandi's just dramatic.

"I always drive like this."

"And I always tell you to slow down. You almost made me stab myself with this lip gloss applicator."

This is what I mean by dramatic because how is that even possible? I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye before continuing the drive.

"What?" She asked after catching me staring.

"How are you going to stab anything with a lip gloss applicator?! I need you to be serious."

"I can show you better than I can tell you.." She mumbled as she applied more gloss to her lips.

"I'll throw that shit out the window. Keep playing.." I laughed. "And you'll buy me another one. Keep playing.." She laughed back.

"That's why your lashes are messed up! Now what?"

"That's why your bangs are crooked! Now what?!" She replied.

"Don't ever play with my bangs 'cause that's the only thing straight about me!" I ran my hand across the bottom line of my bang causing her to laugh.

We made it to my sister's house soon after and Kandi helped me carry the food I brought. The downside of being a chef is people always expect you to cook for everything.

Like how do I get invited to a cookout and then you send me a long list of things you want me to bring? I might as well host it my damn self.

"Hey, Kandi!" My sister smiled completely ignoring my existence. "Damn! I'm not here?"

"Oh yeah, hey girl! Did you bring the dip?!"

"I shouldn't have brought anything.." I huffed causing Kandi to chuckle before kissing my cheek in an attempt to calm me down.

We sat the food down in the kitchen so my sister could set it up according to how she wanted it before going out or her backyard.

I immediately recognized numerous family members I wanted to avoid as we stepped outside. Kandi grabbed onto my hand and we walked towards where

"Uh uh—you did not say all these people were going to be here.."

"Should've asked your new little bestie," I replied.

"Don't be jealous!" She laughed. I rolled my eyes just as we approached where my mom and aunts were seated.

We talked to them for a while before finding a place to sit by ourselves in a shaded area. It wasn't extremely hot considering it was between spring and summer but the sun was beaming down.

I had yet to get a plate but I did get one for Kandi and I just opted for something to drink because I wasn't hungry yet. Usually, I can't eat right after I finish cooking a lot of food because I constantly have to taste test it.

"Ooo babe taste this.." Kandi held up a paste sale on the fork to my mouth and I shook my head 'no'.

She sighed, rolling her eyes, and ate it herself. She kept mugging me until I asked her what was wrong. "Why aren't you eating? I hate eating alone."

"I'm not hungry right now, but I'll eat in a little." I laughed at her light pout as she continued to eat. We were alone for a little longer until my sister came to sit with us which led to her friends coming over.

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