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I sat in Tamika's kitchen at her barstools as she moved around the kitchen. Watching her cook was like watching the Olympics. You weren't always sure what she was doing but you knew it was impressive.

I watched as she chopped up cloves of garlic and nodded my head to the music that was playing. I was supposed to be jotting down some new ideas but so far nothing was coming to mind.

I was seriously, considering taking a hiatus from writing. Nothing was flowing naturally lately. I knew nothing good would come from forcing myself to write.

I closed my notebook and went back to watching Tamika, while resting my head on the counter. She immediately took notice of my eyes on her.

"Don't be watching me.." She laughed before turning around and throwing the now chopped garlic into the pot. "Why not? You look sexy."

"Thank you, wanna taste this?" She changed the topic as she brought a spoon up to my mouth.

"What is it?" I asked. "Just taste it.." she replied and I gave her a skeptical look.

"Tell me what it is first." I whined and she brought the spoon closer to my mouth. I sighed, rolling my eyes before allowing her to feed me.

I tasted it and tilted my head to the side as the taste settled into my mouth. It wasn't bad, actually it was really good. I still didn't know what it was though.

"How's it taste?" She asked as she moved back to the other side of the counter. "Good. Kind of spicy, a little tangy, and very garlicky. Now, what is it?"

"Alright, don't freak out because you already said you liked it so it's really no need to—"

"—Tamika, what the fuck did you just feed me?!" I said as I sat up completely straight in my seat.

"Fish egg soup.." She mumbled as my eyes widened. "Why the fuck would you feed me that?!" I got up and started to walk around the counter as she started to back up.

"Baby, you just said it was good!" She laughed.

"Yeah before I knew you were feeding me fish eggs! Ugh—" I pushed her back and she grabbed my hands pulling me towards her.

"I'm sorry but if I told you then you wouldn't have tried it. You said it was good though so it's okay."

"Whatever.." I pushed her again and then bumped her as I walked to my seat.

Who tricks someone into eating fish eggs? And why was it actually good? More importantly why did I want an entire bowl of it.

She made us both a bowl of her soup before sitting down next to me to eat. "What even made you make this?"

"It was something I had to make in culinary school and I haven't had it in a while, so I thought why not?" She shrugged and I nodded.

"What do you want to do for your birthday?" She asked me suddenly.

I honestly forgot my birthday was coming up. I never knew what I wanted to do for my birthday. It wasn't a big deal to me like it use to be when I was younger. Now I'd much rather just relax and be grateful I was seeing another year.

"Probably nothing. It's just another day, honestly." I shrugged.

"No! You have to do're turning thirty! That's a big deal."

"Oh, please don't remind me I'm turning thirty!" I held my hand up to stop her as she started to laugh.

"I'm thirty...what are you trying to say?"

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