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A month later...

Babyyy🥰: Why did I open Instagram to see a picture of you in a sex swing???

That's a great question. I was expecting that question. I had to admit I posted it on purpose. Tamika and I haven't seen each other much this past week.

Mainly because we were both extremely busy. She was working on opening a second restaurant as well as a food truck which was taking all her time. I was working on my toy line that was set to release in a week while still trying to get back into writing.

Simply speaking I missed her and I knew pissing her off would make the reunion sex ten times better.

: Wrong number 😅

Babyyy🥰: Kandi...

: It's the promotion for my toy line.

Babyyy🥰: Promote that shit another way!

: Well it's already posted, love😬

Babyyy🥰: k.

Oh, not the one-letter response. She's going to murder my vagina and I can't wait. I laughed to myself as I went to my post and instead of deleting it, I reposted it to my story. I then locked my phone and finished preparing for my shower.

Once I was finished I walked out of my en-suite bathroom back into my room to find Tamika seated on my bed.

I smiled, shyly as I stepped outside of the bathroom and she finally looked up at me with a smirk. "Mmhm—bring ya' ass!"

"How are you even here right now? Why aren't you at work?" I asked as I stayed standing near the door.

"I left early to handle a situation.." She shrugged and then stood from the bed. I backed up slowly the closer she got until my back hit the wall and she was directly in front of me.

"What situation?"

"You know what I'm talking about and then you had the never to repost the shit after.."

"It's a cute picture." I pouted "It is." She agreed as she rolled her eyes at me and backed up. She grabbed my hand pulling me towards the bed and then urged me to sit as she stood between my legs.

"You did it to be petty." She grabbed my jaw and pushed me back against the bed as she climbed over me.

"I can't even lotion up and put on some underwear first?" I asked in a sarcastic tone as I tried to fight the smile that crept up my cheeks.

"You just love pissing me off, huh?" She laughed as her hand wrapped around my neck. Her grip was firm but not too tight. I held my bottom lip between my teeth to stop myself from moaning.

Feeling bold, I moved my right arm off the bed and wrapped it around her neck just like she had mine. She quickly sprung into action moving her hand from my neck to hers. She removed my hand and held both of mine above my head.

"Open your mouth." She demanded and I did letting my tongue hang out.

She opened hers as well and allowed a trail of spit to fall from her mouth into mine. I kept my mouth open, knowing better than to move and risk pissing her off further.

"Swallow it.." I closed my mouth and swallowed hard before smirking up at her.

"Where's the sex swing?" She asked before leaning down to kiss my neck. I knew she was waiting for my response, but her kisses made it hard to focus.

I bit my bottom lip once again as I moaned softly and her lips made their way down to my chest. My towel was ripped open as she sucked onto my now hard nipples.

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