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One week later...

I woke up, peacefully, seeing as it was my first day off in about a month. Usually I like to take off at least once a week to give myself a break like my other employees but considering how many times I was late last week I think one day off would suffice.

I knew today would be a boring day considering I wouldn't be able to see Kandi. We had a long conversation yesterday that led to us deciding to take a small break.

"I just think we should take a step back from this." I admitted. "What do you mean?"

"I means that I like what we're doing but I don't think we're taking the time to talk as much as we're just—"

"—Having sex." She finished my sentence and I nodded. "I understand." She nodded as well.

"And you're okay with this? I don't want you to think I'm just dictating.."

"No. I agree we need to take a step back.." She replied releasing a deep breath. "So do you want to take a break or just stop the sex part?"

"A little of both. I think I might need a day to myself and then we can circle back to this conversation."

"That works for me." I said.

I needed some time to evaluate where we went from here. I knew I loved her that was simple but I couldn't pin point the uneasy feeling I got about being fully committed to her.

After getting myself together for the day, I made breakfast, ate, and then started to do all of the things I had planned for the day.

I needed to keep busy so I didn't think about whatever Kandi and I was currently going through. I cleaned my living room, I tested out new recipes for the restaurant's summer menu that would be out soon, and then tended to my garden.

By the time I finished all of that I ran out of things to keep me busy so I decided to take advantage of my day off and actually relax.

Of course that didn't last for too long because as much as I teased Kandi about not being able to not work I was the same way. Not to mention the longer I sat here the more I thought about her.

So instead of just watching t.v. I decided to go through her files while I did so. I was down to my last pile and my notes on them became more extensive the more I read.

I was honestly grateful that she trusted me to read any of this stuff because it helped me understand her a bit better.

Why she wrote these types of stories? The depth of her writing was beautiful and she had an excellent way with words. I guess I was just too much of a hater before to ever notice.

As I looked through the last ten files in front of me, trying to decide what to go through first something stuck out like a sore thumb. It wasn't just papers in a brown file like the rest it was a literal journal.

I grabbed it and read the front to see only her name. I immediately tossed it to the side thinking it was probably personal. It appeared to be something she wouldn't want me to read.

However, it was in the pile she gave me so it must be okay to read, right? I mean I've seen her write on a napkin when she's inspired. So maybe she wrote so much of a story down that she didn't feel like transferring it to a file like the rest.

I was trying to make any excuse to force myself to open the journal. I couldn't help it. As I opened the book I read the title for her latest book in bold font.

Sweet Encounters: A collection of life changing moments.

I squinted my eyes recognizing the name as soon as I seen it. 'This must be how she got the idea for the first place' I thought to myself.

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