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1 month later

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1 month later...

"I walked into the house, locking the door behind me. I followed the sound of music until I was standing in the doorway of Kandi's home office.

I leaned against the frame, watching her alternate between typing and writing on her notebook. I loved watching her work when she thought no one was watching. So focused and so beautiful. I waited against the doorframe for her to notice me, but she was too enthralled with what was in front of her.

"You would get killed in a movie, baby." I laughed causing her to jump and look up at me.

"Shit! You scared me. How long have you been standing there?!" She asked holding her hand against her chest.

"A good minute.." I laughed again as I walked towards her desk. She turned her chair sideways and opened her arms. I leaned down to kiss her softly. "I guess I was too distracted.."

"What you writing?" I asked. "I'll tell you later but I actually have a surprise!" She stood up pushing me towards the door as I looked back at her with a confused expression.

"A surprise? For me?"

"Mmhm—you're going to love it!" She smiled pulling me towards the stairs. Once we were outside of our room she told me to close my eyes and I did.

"Alright open!" I opened my eyes to see a large stripping pole in the center of our room right across from our bed.

"Oh my—you really got this pole?!" I turned around to face her as I started backing her into the bed. "Mmhm—so go shower while I set up the rest of your surprise.."

I groaned before doing as she asked. After I finished showering I put on a robe considering any clothing I put on would be coming off soon anyway.

I walked out of the bathroom to find her in a red one piece that was cut out under her boobs and around the stomach area. She spun around to show me the rest which was thong style with fringe dangling across her butt. My eyes moved to her feet at the notice of her increased height to find red sparkly, platform heels.

"You like?" She asked as she spun back around to face me.

"I love it.." I walked towards her attempting to grab her waist but she stopped me holding her hand against my chest. "Touching a stripper is against the club's policy.." She smirked.

"Not in my club it's not." I smirked as I tried to touch her once again. She firmly planted her hands around my arms and moved me towards the chair she moved in front of the pole.

She pushed me into the chair. I raised my hand quickly running it over the sides of her waist down to her ass watching her reaction.

"That's against club policy.." She lowered herself onto her knees in front of me before crawling around the chair. My eyes followed her every move.

Encounters. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt