"Exactly what I said. You're not leaving.." I rolled over so I was straddling her and finally got a full view of her face. She looked good, smelled good, and she was trying to leave me. I couldn't have that.

"Kandi, I'm not doing this with you. Please get off of me." I ignored her as I grabbed her phone and dialed Trina's number.

We both knew she could move me if she really wanted to so I was standing my ground. The phone rang until she answered.

"Hey, Trina! Tamika has something to tell you.." I smiled before handing her the phone. She glared at me as she told Trina she wouldn't be making it in today. She then called her manager for her other locations.


"Very! Now let's go back to sleep.." I smiled as I rolled off of her and began to help her out of her clothes. Once she was in nothing but underwear I rolled over and laid down as if nothing happened.

"If I wake up and you're not in bed with me it's going to be a problem." I smiled before pecking her cheek and throwing her arm over my body.

She mumbled in reply before we both drifted off to sleep. It wasn't long before I woke up again and she was still in a deep sleep.

I took a shower and then started to get together everything I needed to help Tamika relax. I couldn't force her to stay home without taking care of her.

I started by cutting up fruit, making her favorite breakfast foods, and taking it upstairs to our room. Once I made it into the room, I saw the sheets empty and the light shining from the bottom of the door.

"You can't say I wasn't in bed because you weren't either.." She said followed by a yawn as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Hush! I made you breakfast.." I smiled and she smiled back as she made it over to the bed. She leaned forward, pressing her lips against mine before sitting down next to me.

I placed the tray over her lap and she allowed me to feed her. "Is it good?" I hate cooking for her because she's a chef so her standards are always high.

"Mmhm—you know I love anything you do for me." She replied and opened her mouth anticipating the next bit of French toast that I immediately retracted.

"You didn't answer the question though. Is it good?"

"Kandi if I'm eating it, it's good now please feed me. I'm hungry." She gave me a pleading look and I relented as I fed her the forkful.

I continued to feed her until she was full. I ran a bath for her with Epsom salt and watched as she relaxed in the water.

She urged me to get in with her and I did while massaging her shoulders and back. I got out after a while letting her relax alone with soft music in the background.

Later that day...

"Forced to take a day off and I'm still cooking.." Tamika commented.

"Don't complain. I cooked you breakfast but that's as far as the kitchen and I go.." I shrugged.

"Mmhm—lucky I don't mind cooking."

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