"Come on, I already know you guys spend nights together, so this shouldn't be a big deal."

"Yeah, but... We haven't really done anything, like you know, sex... The most we do is cuddling." Josephine raised an eyebrow at that.

"Really? I didn't think Brax would be such a gentleman. But he called you babe? Are you guys finally dating?" Josephine asked as she helped Halsa carry the plates to the living room.

"I don't know... I mean, I am aware we are for sure acting like one, but he didn't pop the question yet." Halsa replied with a sigh.

"I am sure he will soon..." Josephine said in an unsure tone.

"I hope so. I really do like him and I think he does too. I just don't know what's stopping him from actually dating me."

"He's probably scared of commitment. As far as I have heard, he has never been in a serious relationship before. The fact that he still hasn't fucked around is surprising enough. But give him some time, I know he will ask you out soon enough." Josephine said with a smile, placing her hand on her shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly.

Halsa placed her hand above hers and nodded, smiling. Once they set the table, Brax entered the living room with Aaron.

"Woke this shithead up." Brax said with a smirk, slapping Aaron's back, making him groan.

"Give me a break." He replied with a yawn and looked around.

"Help yourself, I will go wake Shaelynn up." Halsa spoke and left the room. After a few minutes, she came back with Shaelynn.

"You guys want coffee?" Halsa asked and Josephine nodded.

"Yeah, lemme help you." She replied and followed Halsa into the kitchen with Brax trailing behind.

"Hmm... I am used to a more luxurious breakfast, but this isn't too bad." Aaron remarked as he took a plate and plopped on the couch, making Shaelynn roll her eyes.

"Careful, don't make the person cooking for you mad. Might put shit in there." Shaelynn said with a sweet smile and sat beside him.

She took one of his pancakes, making him gasp. She brought it close to her mouth and licked it all around, her eyes seductively gazing at his.

With a wink and grin, she put it back on his plate. Aaron glared at her action, but surprised her by eating that pancake in slow motion, making sure to savor every bite.

It was Aaron's turn to smirk at her due to her startled expression as she stared at him with her mouth dropped open.

I didn't expect him to actually eat that... She hated to admit it, but she loved this little game they had going on.

The others came back into the room with coffee and sat on the royal looking couch with maroon silk covers.

"Look at this place." Josephine murmured, her eyes gazing around the enormous living room.

Everything looked like the interior of a castle here.

Cream colored tiles, chandeliers in every room, long, thick maroon curtains draped along the large windows, the grand stairs with golden railings and not to mention, each room were the size of a huge studio apartment with adjoining bathroom.

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