13. found family

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pov: third person

"we totally should have a party for you, kyra jumps out with a burst of energy".

"woah, woah bambina slow your roll and what is going on, luna quickly shush's kyra due to harper falling asleep on her lap".

"lolitha was just telling us how she's about to turn 18 in a few weeks, so we should host a party for her like the good adopted sisters me and kyra are, charlie say's with a wide smile on her face whilst hugging a chuckling lolitha."

luna and katrina at each and chuckled at the idea." maybe we should take it as a welcome to this crazy family, katrina say's with a shrug, plus we still have to introduce her to her aunt's.

"aunt's? lolitha ask's with a confused face.

" yep aunt's, mine, charlie, mini and ma's teammates but technically ma is not a teammate but a staff member — but we take her as a teammate since she spends half of her day's with us

— more like forced to spend a day with you with no breaks, luna finishes off with a huff.

all three girl's looked at her in mock hurt with hands on they heart's.

"and I thought you loved spending your day with me baby — nah I love spending a day with harper since she's calmer than y'all — ma!!

I'm just joking I love seeing my favourite girl's during the course of the day especially you my love, luna say's whilst kissing katrina's cheek — uh huh better, otherwise you would have been in the dog house.

during this interaction the girls couldn't help but smile at the love they are witnessing between their two parental figure's.


should we go check on luna, I mean katrina left in a hurry after tony said luna needs her, caitlin ask after the movie"

"I mean what if she just needed someone to help her with something — nah lans there was definitely something wrong, right charlie."

and that's when everyone noticed that the two girl's were gone.

"where the hell did those two go, eve says whilst looking around if they might be hiding within the room"

"so we definitely going to luna right? sam asks already heading to the door with some of the girls following her"

with that the girls took off to luna's office.

pov: third person

with a herd of girl's storming towards luna's office none of them were prepared as to what they about to face.

*door opening* luna what's goin — why is there a girl that looks a lot like you looking at me, sam asks whilst being pushed by the other's, in order to see what sam is talking about.

*murmers around the room* 

"girls calm down por favor (please)." all chatter stopped as luna stood up and took lolitha in her arms.

"this is my daughter lolitha, lolitha this is the matildas family"

again loud chatter filled with excitement sounded in the office, each girl asking their own individual questions.

"again girl's calm down and one by one ask your questions"

"how long has she been here? , hayley asks first."  "she arrived last night, she's been living with her other mom but due to some issues she's going to live with me now, luna replys".

"how old are you love, clare asks looking at lolitha? "

"I'm 17, lolitha answers meekly. being surrounded by these women, she felt shy under they gazes. although she knew they not judging her she felt to much in the spotlight and clare ( polks) seemed to notice and hauled all the girl's out.

" come on we'll meet the baby again, let her spend some time with her mini family — but, no buts courtney move."

luna threw clare a greatful look as clare just nodded her head in understanding.

"woah that was alot and I thought ky and char were to much but now I see where they get it from *collective ayy* whilst the parental figures just chuckled."

grateful for clare's intervention, luna expressed her appreciation before reassuring lolitha about her new family. katrina, sensing lolitha's vulnerability, pulled her into a tight hug, conveying warmth and acceptance. the emotional moment resonated deeply with everyone present, strengthening their bond as a family.

"it will take some time to get used them love especially now that they know about you, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed or nervous about the idea of them, but just know, now that they know you exist those people will fight tooth and nail to keep you safe just like how me, charlie, kyra and your mom would.

they would be your daily irritation but also your biggest supporter's, they can see you do no wrong especially sam and the trouble trio who often rope you into some pranks. so don't be afraid like your mom said we are a family. katrina pulled the younger girl into a tight hug feeling her shoulders shake having a feeling that the girl was not used to feeling this amount of emotion or dare she say this amount of love, warmth or care.

out in the corner of her eyes she could see how the words have affected her mom, even the two girl's who were known for always joking. how her girlfriend hugged her three girls in a tight hug as if they would disappear in that moment. this moment between the small family had tightened their growing bond even further. charlie and kyra never knew they could receive this amount of love from strangers, they now know that the meaning family is not only blood truly means and luna just managed to make them see that.

the hug was then joined by katrina and lolitha, with the kids in the middle and their mother's wrapping their arms around them signifying that they'll always protect the girl's no matter what.

"I love you so much mi amor, thank you for giving me a family, th— no, no none of that my love, I am too lucky for the love you gave me and my babies.

yeah mom's thank you for tolerating us and waking up at two in the morning and teaching me how to cook pasta — yeah thank you for letting me always crash at your place whenever I want even though I have my own place, kyra say's whilst wiping away her tears, and I harper loves every one, even lolo bear. "

as tears were wiped away and heartfelt thanks exchanged, the unity and love within the family were palpable, reaffirming their unbreakable bond and shared journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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