3. so.... are we interfering, orrrr...

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few weeks later...

as luna settled into her role as the team physiotherapist, the camaraderie among the national women's team grew stronger with each passing day. the players quickly embraced luna as one of their own, and she found herself immersed in a world of shared goals and dreams.

one day, during a rigorous training session, luna noticed katrina determination and skill on the field. the admiration she felt for katrina's athleticism was undeniable, but there was something more—a connection that went beyond the player-physiotherapist dynamic. luna couldn't shake the feeling that there was an unspoken bond waiting to be explored.

after the training session, luna approached katrina to discuss a minor injury. their conversation effortlessly shifted from professional to personal, as they discovered shared interests and a mutual love for the game. luna couldn't deny the magnetic pull she felt towards katrina , and it seemed reciprocated.

as the days turned into weeks, luna and katrina found themselves drawn to each other. the subtle glances across the training ground evolved into lingering touches and stolen moments. their connection deepened, and the once-strict boundaries blurred as they navigated the delicate dance of professional and personal relationships.

meanwhile , the team noticed the blossoming romance and couldn't have been more supportive. the locker room became a hub of whispers and secret smiles, as luna and katrina's love story unfolded in the midst of their shared passion for soccer. the team, once a close-knit group, now felt like an extended family with luna at its heart.

"look guy's i know I'm not the only one seeing the connection that they share and — but sammy we are not interfering, no we won't interfere we'll just push them a little and it's almost the end of camp, true the mother's need a little push because both of them are really oblivious" charli say's with an eye roll thinking of how her team mum and newfound mom are just really blind.

see all three of mini's kids bonded with luna, especially when they would sneak in her office too steal some sweets or just too chill with her to pass up time. luna wouldn't admit how much these girls had started to mean so much to her but it's true especially the trouble threesome.

the team started plotting and planning on how too get their teammate and luna too actually realize the feelings they harbor for each other, but they still came up short on idea's each one turning into a fail, at this point they started involving the staff in which tony found it really funny and even agreed on how much the two are oblivious.


and now it was the last day of camp and everything that the team tried was really a fail, but what they didn't know was that katrina actually grew some balls and asked luna out on a date and two day's before camp ended they went out without anyone realizing or catching on, but they agreed on not labeling anything and probably take things slow so they could both adjust to the newfound relationship.

" so nana are you coming back", " i actually don't know ems plus it depends on how you guy's feel about me as your physio", luna replys with a smile while walking with the girls towards the last meeting of the camp.

" you definitely coming back", "yeah if tony doesn’t hire you permanently or whoever is in charge of you then we'll have some serious words with them"

"yeah i can't have my mother leaving me, especially her leaving with the snack section — really char that's all you and ky care about", " it's a whole cupboard filled with snacks obviously we will be thinking about it, nice to know you love me for me girls" luna say's sarcastically, while the rest of the girl's laugh whole heartedly.

the rest of the night the girl's spend it together as well as dragging luna too spend it with them. it was a night filled with love and laughter, a night everyone would treasure and remember seeing as that tomorrow they would be going back to their club's.


ittle did luna know that her journey with the national women's team would not only be defined by her professional growth but also by the unexpected love that had blossomed on and off the field.


"bring it in ladies", immediately all the girl's rush into the group hug luna inciated " argh I'll miss you guy's so much even if y'all were trouble especially my daughter's" luna say's with a cheeky eye roll and soft smile

"ayy what about us", "nah i won't miss the trouble trio, you guy's caused me too much trouble with y'alls pranks", "but you gotta admit you loved scaring the shit out of sam — i meaaaan" ayy really luna you were in on the pranks "

" i mean they said that i would be prank free soooo i had to"

"so now this question I'm asking on behalf of everyone, will we be seeing you next camp", hayley asks whilst looking around seeing everyone nod at her question and waiting for an answer.

"well you guy's will have to find out next camp won't you — “oh come on luna" the girl's groan out loud.

soon it was time for the girl's too leave and though they would be seeing each other again, goodbye's were always bittersweet for some of them seeing as some don't play at the same club's. they all said bye too luna and the staff and traveled to the airport, whilst luna was also departing to somewhere seeing as that she will be working also for a certain club but she couldn't reveal that to the girls.

all her dreams were coming true and she had no one but herself and her sister too thank, for pushing each other to achieve such goals not that they expected to reach them, but none the less all of them have reached the certain goals that they wanted to accomplish , all five of them. now she couldn't wait for future endeavors.


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