twenty. (part 2)

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now playing: "Water From Wine" by Amaarae

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now playing: "Water From Wine" by Amaarae

bonus track: "Rock The Boat" by Aaliyah

(a/n: long chapter)

(This chapter contains explicit content. Reader discretion advised.)

The evening light hung over Culver City like a lingering embrace, the extended daylight hours painting the urban sprawl with a soft, golden glow. Despite the time, the sun hadn't yet conceded to night, stubborn rays filtering through the palm fronds that lined the boulevards, their shadows long and cool across my dashboard.

In the distance, the rhythmic percussion of construction melded with the city's heartbeat, a symphony of renewal as old structures bowed to the march of progress.

Artisan coffee shops with reclaimed wood facades and sleek, minimalist branding punctuated the streets, where once stood family-run diners whose neon signs now flickered uncertainly in the encroaching dusk.

The air carried the scent of fresh paint and the subtle musk of new leather from designer boutiques replacing thrift stores with peeling signs.

Young professionals walked briskly, their conversations about equity and startups floating on the breeze, mixing with the melodic strains of street musicians now curating playlists for an emerging clientele.

Sidewalks, once the canvas of worn-down footsteps and chalk-drawn hopscotch, were now neatly bordered with planters hosting curated greenery—a stark contrast to the untamed, verdant life that once claimed every nook and cranny.

Condominiums, sleek and glass-paned, towered over the modest bungalows, their balconies offering views of a neighborhood in metamorphosis. Food trucks serving fusion cuisine lined the curbs, surrounded by patrons whose attire reflected the latest fashion trends rather than the weathered work clothes of the area's long-time residents.

The local park, once a simple expanse of grass worn by the cleats of youth soccer teams, now boasted a renovated playground with eco-friendly equipment and a community garden where organic vegetables flourished under the care of urban gardeners.

The murmur of multiple languages that used to fill the air was now often replaced by the singular cadence of networking events, as the old community center's calendar filled with coding workshops and investment seminars.

I wished things were back to the way they were.

I navigated the manual gearbox of my car with practiced ease, the tactile pleasure of shifting gears almost making up for the snail's pace imposed by the evening traffic.

My agua fresca from a corner market Downtown was a welcome companion, the plastic cup sweating into the cup holder. I took occasional sips to pass the time as I edged closer to Beyoncé's apartment.

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