Chapter 13- Fantasies

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The next few weeks go by quickly as I adjust to my life in the city and my new position. The girls at reception never stop being bitchy and seem to get a little more so after Alec stopped by that one afternoon. I never end up asking him about the two weeks we weren't together. I just want to forget about it. I was miserable without him and didn't want to make myself even more miserable by hearing about whatever he did with whomever he did it with. It was the middle of October, and our company threw an annual Halloween party. It was my job to do the online promotion. I was in the process of doing so when Alec knocked on my door.

"Hey, you," he says coming into my office and shutting the door behind him.

"Hi," I say, glancing up from the computer screen. I upgraded to computer screens so that I had a better visual.

"Almost done?" he asks standing behind me, rubbing my shoulders. It felt heavenly.

"Yeah, just finishing up. Making sure all the last-minute stuff is done for the party." I say, making a couple of notes on a Post-it for tomorrow, I lock my computer, exhaling.

"About that," he says, his voice trailing off.

I glance up at him and he is looking down at me apologetically. Oh, no.

"Go on," I say with more patience than I am feeling.

He sits on my desk so that I'm looking at him. "My father called and wants me in Washington. I leave Sunday night." he is looking down at his hands.

Panicking, I take a deep breath, "Like for?" letting my sentence trail off.

"As far as I know for next week. He's closing on a deal and needs me there to sign off on it" Running his hands through his hair, I could hear the irritation in his voice.

"I'm sorry babe. Are you okay?" I ask. This is not going to be easy. Things are not great with his dad right now. After our fight, he opened up a little about their relationship, and his dad is an ass. He wants all of the credit while Alec does all of the work. 

"Yeah," he pauses. "No." he stands up now. "Fuck no" he's pacing now. "I can't fucking stand him, and I don't want to leave you here" When he stops pacing and faces me, I can see the pain in his eyes.

"Hey," I say going to him. "I will be here. I'm not going anywhere, okay?" I wrap my arms around his neck and draw his forehead to mine.

Squeezing his eyes shut, "I don't want to go" he says. He sounds like a teenager, and I have to try not to laugh.

Clearing my throat, I pull away from him, walking to my desk. "The party is Sunday night. Maybe you could be back by then?"

He shrugs and looks out the window.

"Okay, then," I say sarcastically.

He turns around and walks over to me taking me in his arms again. I look up at him. "I'm sorry," he says "My father always puts me in a mood. Can we leave? I just want to spend every moment with you until I go," he kisses me.

That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. My heart melts.

I nod and grab my bag and jacket. He turns out the light and we leave, planning our weekend together.

Walking past the girls at reception, I move closer to Alec. Normally we leave separately, but tonight I don't care. Let them fucking talk. It's not like they weren't already doing it anyhow. He wore jeans today and I put my hand in his back pocket as we walked past their desk. Certain that I hear a gasp from the desk, I smile wickedly as Alec holds the door for me. Before I can exit, Alec grabs ahold of me and kisses me. A long hot, passionate kiss. Well, damn Lockhard. Looking up at him, trying to catch my breath, I laugh, and we walk out.

"What? You think you're the only one who can do that?" he says amused.

"Touche," I say smirking. "And by the way," I say, sticking my hand back in his pocket as we enter the parking garage, "you have a fine ass, Mr. Lockhard".

He runs a hand through his hair, which I will never tire of seeing.

Biting my lip as we walk through the dark parking garage, I pull him into the corner by a pillar. I pull his head down to mine and kiss him. He kisses me back taking possession of my mouth, his tongue skimming my bottom lip. Sending shivers down my spine, I moan into his mouth and my tongue finds his. Fuck, this is hot.

My fingers are intertwined in his hair, and I take one hand away to find his growing erection that is now pressed against me. I love the way he wants me. I feel him through his jeans, and the moan that comes out of his mouth sends goose bumps up my arms.

"Alec" I breathe out into his neck.

"Car...Now" he says between kisses.

Reminding myself to thank him later for parking on the lower level, we climbed in the car. Remembering the tinted windows, but not even caring now, I climb on top of him. Kissing him again, I start unbuttoning his pants and I hear him ripping a foil packet open. If this isn't on my fantasy list, then I don't know what is. I giggle out loud thinking about it, and he cocks an eyebrow at me.

"Fantasy. Tell you later" I say, "Now fuck me" and I kiss him again.

He gives a half laugh, and I release his erection from his jeans as I kiss his neck. He slides my panties to the slide and slides two fingers into my sex.

"So fucking wet," he says huskily against my throat. Kissing me, teasing me. Oh, when he talks like this. I can't take it.

"Alec..." I beg.

"Mmmm," he says as I slide the condom onto him, and guide him into my hot, wet sex.

"Is this what you want, baby?" he asks me, letting me move.

"Fuck, yes," I say between clenched teeth as the pressure built within me. God, it feels so damn good when he is inside me. Moving my hair to one shoulder he releases my breasts and cups them in his hands.

"Alec" I cry out, because it feels so good, and I'm almost there.

"I know, baby. I know. Me too." he says. "Look at me. Open your eyes."

As I look down at him my body clenches around him and I feel an explosion of emotion and euphoria as we reach our climaxes together.

Taking his face in my hands, I kiss him, looking into his eyes, I tell him the thing that terrifies me to my core because I know that he will probably never come back to me, but I want to make sure he knows, "I love you, Alec." I say, "I know this is probably going to scare the shit out of you and I know it's soon, and you probably think that I'm crazy, but I do, and if you don't that's fine, but you are leaving, and I want you to know."

Shaking his head, he smiles. "Are you done?"

Wiping a tear from my eye, I nod. I'm too terrified to speak.

"One, that was a lot. Two, you talk too fast. Three, Me too." he says, his head back against the seat.

Wait, what? Did he seriously say that he loves me, too? Knowing my face is flush, I am not sure how to feel. I was bracing myself for rejection. Yet, here he was throwing me for a loop yet again. Still sitting on top of him, I push against his chest and laugh, "You're an ass" kissing him, I move back to the other seat to recover my thoughts from what we just did.

"Can we get out of here now or do you have other fantasies to play out?" he asks sarcastically. Shit, I did say that to him, didn't I?

I look out the window and smile as he backs out of the parking spot. Thank God for tinted windows. What was this man turning me into? Who were we turning each other into? I wasn't sure, but I knew one thing. I am loving every moment of it. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Continue to Chapter 14>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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