Part 21 - An Eternal Promise

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That morning was the first morning that the two woke up in the same bed. Unsurprisingly, Isabella woke up before Treech.

"Did you have any nightmares last night?", was the first thing Isabella asked Treech once he finally woke up.

"No, I actually didn't Bells." He replied as he rolled out of bed.

"Thats amazing Darling!" Isabella exclaimed as she pulled on her top for the day. "We're still going to the lake later right?" Isabella asked him as she stared at her swimsuit top she was wearing.

"Of course, I wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to see you in a bathing suit sweetheart." Treech gave her a wink and a smug smile.

"You wish!" Isabella remarked as she pulled on her flowy dress overtop.

Treech laughed as he too began to dress for the day. "We should head out soon so we can avoid the high temperatures todays."

"I can go get Tiana if you want. I'm already ready." Isabella replied.

"Of course you are darling." He Rolled his eyes at her statement.

"Somebodies grumpy." Isabella teased as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and left the bedroom.


Tiana was quick to rush towards the door at the sound of Isabella knocking.

"We're going down to the lake soon. I was thinking you might want to help me get some food ready." Isabella asked politely to the girl.

"Finally" The girl let out a shy giggle. "I was beginning to think you two would stay in bed all day." Which she followed up with kissing sounds.

"I really wish we had now that I know you're going to be giving me attitude all day." Both girls laughed and began walking back to the second cabin.

When they entered the kitchen, Treech was already waiting at the table. The two girls quickly prepared and packed some sandwiches, as well as water, and smaller snacks into a picnic basket. Then, the three walked down to their dock on the lake. They met up with a couple of Tiana's friends, whose parents asked Treech and Isabella to watch for the day. They didn't mind. In fact, it reminded them of what it would be like to take care of their own children one day.

"Isabella, Treech jump in with me!" Tiana yelled out at the other end of the dock.

Isabella stared up at Treech and gave an innocent smile.

"What?" Treech questioned her with a pouty face. 

Without another word, she shoved him and began running down the dock. "Catch me if you can!" She yelled out as she ran further down the dock, her hair flowing behind her.

Treech was quick to follow, picking up speed as he chased after Isabella. She leaped off the end of the pier, and landed with a splash in the water. Treech was next, but with a much larger splash and less graceful leap.

The two began to giggle as they resurfaced the water, and held on to one another in the water. 

"Eww you guys, get a room." Tiana joke was followed with laughs from her immature friends.

"One day you'll understand how it feels to love someone like this." Treech began telling her, but was cut off.

"Never, boys are gross." This earned a few agreed nods from her friends.


The group spend the late morning and afternoon swimming in the lake and playing in the water. At one point they tried chicken fighting with Treech and Tiana and Isabella and one of Tiana's friends Eden. Treech and Tiana won every single round with no surprise to anyone. After a day at the lake, they enjoyed their food on some blankets at the lakeside.

Isabella (Treech)Where stories live. Discover now