Part 2 - First Looks

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Isabella looked up at the boy displayed on screen. His name was Treech. He looked to be around her age. His clothes were worn, and it appeared as if he had just gotten off of work, presumably in the forest. He had a sturdy build, and kept his composure well. But Isabella could see right past that. She noted that he was very attractive, especially for someone from the districts. His hat covered most of his hair, but she could see that it was dark and curly. His eyes were similar to hers in that they were hazel, but his had a darker hue to them. 

She noticed his eyes start to tear up and couldn't help but feel horrible for him. She wondered if he had any younger siblings he was trying to stay strong for. What if his parents needed him?  What if his family needed him to help support them? What could he possibly be thinking knowing that he would more than likely be dead in the next 2 weeks? 

Isabella could feel herself getting lost in her thoughts. When she looked back at the screen, the attention had shifted to his District partner Lamina. She looked much younger than Treech and unlike her partner, could not contain her fear. She was assigned to Pup Harrington.

She watched the rest of the mentors be assigned, still thinking about her tribute. She was pleased to see the irritation on Heavensbee's face when he was assigned the young District 8 tribute, Wovey. She smiled to herself a little.

The last tribute to be assigned was Lucy Gray from District 12. She was given to Coriolanus. At first, Isabella could tell Coriolanus was disappointed to have received a female from one of the weakest districts, but after dropping a snake down another girls dress and singing on stage, Lucy Gray almost immediately became a hit.

Isabella thought back to what the Dean had said about making the tributes a spectacle. Lucy Gray would certainly win over the audience with stunts like the ones she had pulled. Isabella needed to come up with a plan to help her tribute win the crowd over. She needed to get an upper-hand.


Class had finally been dismissed for the day. The train containing the tributes would be arriving to the station the following morning. Isabella had overheard Coriolanus mentioning how he was going to formally introduce himself to his tribute at the train station. Of course, she wasn't going to let Coriolanus take all the spotlight for a second time.

I need to go to that train station she thought to herself. 


When she returned home that night, her family was waiting for her, anxious to hear about the results of the day.

"There is no prize right now," Isabella had started. "Instead, we were given a finale assignment, which requires us to each mentor a tribute. Whoever mentors their tribute the best will be winning the prize money."

"Oh Bella, I'm sorry honey." Her mom said with concern in her voice. Despite not being the biggest fan of the districts herself, her mother knew that Isabella had more empathy for the less fortunate.

"Did you at least get a good tribute?" her dad asked, in a way that came out more distasteful than I'm sure he had intended.

"I got the boy from District 7. His name is Treech. I can't tell, but I honestly think he has a chance at winning," was Bellas response.

"I hope you're right dear," her mom began to say; but something in her demeanor had changed, and Isabella had felt it. "There has never been a winner from District 7 before, that's all I meant by that. There's a first for everything though."

It was true that some Districts had never even had one victor. For the most part, the tributes from 1 and 2 usually came out on top. The tributes from 4 were usually very skilled as well. The districts that were on the weaker end were the districts like 12. The district belonging to Lucy Gray. 

Isabella (Treech)Where stories live. Discover now