Part 6 - The Bombing

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When Isabella had arrived to the arena, the tributes were already there; lined up in backwards numerical order based on their district. Most of the mentors were already there lined up next to their tribute, although Isabella noticed that Coriolanus and Clemensia were not there yet.

She was directed to her spot next to Treech. Unsurprisingly, his wrists had been cuffed together to prevent any more tribute attacks. His face lit up at her arrival.

"What was that about?" The boy asked curiously.

"It was nothing, he was just going over my grade." She lied. 

"Okay Bells." The boy gave a quick smile. By now, Coriolanus had returned but not Clemensia. None the less, the peacekeepers were given the okay to let everybody in. Starting with District 12, they began to enter the arena. A line of Peacekeepers accompanied the tribute and mentor pairs. Geese, how much protection do we need? 

"Enjoy the show!"

Isabella visibly jumped back at the sudden announcmet.

"Somebody scared?" Treech just loved to make fun of her.

"Of course not." Isabella followed by a sarcastic smile. She could tell that the boy was getting nervous himself, so she gently reached for his hand, allowing him to take her hand in his. She didn't care anymore about what anybody at the Capitol thought of her. Let them talk, it will only benefit him. She thought to herself. 

"Enjoy the show!"

Now the two were finally in the arena, and began to survey the space. She still held onto his hand until a Peacekeeper gently nudged her hand away from his. 

"Okay..." She started. "Do you see anything you think you can potentially climb?"

"Up there!" Treech pointed towards the scoreboard at the top of the arena.

"That's a good spot." She responded, "There doesn't appear to be much in the way of hiding spots, so we're gonna have to work with what we have."

The boy nodded.

"How's Lamina?" Isabella was scared to ask. The girl's cheeks were still tearstained when she looked over at her.

"Not good, unfortunately she's taking everything much worse than I am." 

"It's understandable. I would be just like her if I were put in your position. I think you're just good at appearing brave. Although, I have a feeling you're more scared than you lead on. Am I right in saying that?" She was a bit scared of how he would react to her accusations.

To her surprise, Treech just smiled and responded with "Of course not Darling."

"Wow you really love your pet names, don't you Lumberjack?"

"Of course I do."

"Do you think you could climb up that." Isabella pointed towards the stands.

"I can climb anything you want me too!" The boy sounded cocky now.

"Sure you can."

And then, the world exploded...

The first bomb went off around the middle of the arena, then more followed. Dust filled the air and Isabella was almost immediately knocked down. She fell hard on her back and got the wind knocked out of her. Her mind wind in circles; Where is Treech? The boy was no where in sight. Then, from the distance, she heard a faint yelling. It had to be Treech, she thought to herself.

"Isabella!" The voice called. She tried to yell back out at him, but no sound would come out. Her lungs were burning. 

All she could manage to let out was a horse yell.

Treech yelled out to her again, "Isabella!"

Just then, she felt a large piece of debris fall on top of her. It pinned her chest down onto the ground. Now she lungs were really burning. She began to feel lightheaded. Just then, she saw the familiar outline of her tribute.

"Isabella!" he called out once more, before arriving at her side. "Isabella are you alright?"

She tried to say something in response, but couldn't. Treech examined her trying to find a way to push the beam off of her. Explosions continued around them for some time.

Despite his restraints, he tried desperately to lift the beam off of her. She cried out in pain as the column was readjusted time and time again. He wasn't making much progress.

"Treech!" the voice belonged to Marcus. "Treech! We have to go, this is our chance. Don't try and save her, she wouldn't do the same for you. Come on, the gate is blown open."

"I'm not leaving her!" His voice was now breaking in desperation.

"Suit yourself." And with that, Marcus was gone.

Treech managed to move the beam off of her chest enough so that she could breathe better, but she was still pinned. Isabella felt the burn in her lungs began to move up to her neck, then she tasted blood. Suddenly, she began puking up blood all over Treech. Clearly, she had suffered internal damage.

"Are you okay Bells?" The boy asked her in concern. His eyes were now watering.

"I'm okay now, we just need to get this beam off of me!" She wasn't sure if that was all true, but she didn't want to cause him any more distress.

By now, the finale bombs had gone off, leaving dust and debris everywhere. Isabella looked over to see both District 1 tributes get shot down at the gate. She assumed Marcus had successfully gotten out.

"Isabella?" The boy asked her.

"Yes?" Her voice was shaky but at least she could form words at least.

"You're gonna be okay, I promise." But his reaction to her laying there said otherwise.

Just then, hands grabbed for him, pulling him off of her.

"No please, she needs help!" His words meant nothing to the Peacekeepers. They continued attempting to pull him away. He was overpowered and his attempts were in vein.

"Please help her, she's being crushed!" His voice was now more distant than before.

"Treech." She tried calling out to him, but felt herself get dizzy. This is the end for me

Note: This chapter is pretty short, but I didn't know how else to split it up. Im hoping to release another chapter tonight, but we'll see. Im also planning on making the next chapter pretty long to make up for this one.


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