Part 20 - Big Steps

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The following weekdays for Isabella consisted of baking and housework with Mrs. Hart. While the men worked out in the forest from sunrise to sunset, the women were responsible for the housework. Isabella was no stranger to "womanly duties", although her daily chores were much different than they were at the Capitol.

A small wooden tub replaced the high tech automatic machines she once used. Mops and brooms replaced vacuum's. Everything had to be washed by hand. In a weird way, she preferred it like this. It was peaceful for her. The loud sounds of traffic were replaced with the sounds of water running and birds chirping. Her lavish and uncomfortable dresses were switched for much more simple and pleasant ones. And at the end of each day, the whole family would be reunited for dinner, games and stories from the day. 

Isabella could imagine herself living out the rest of her days like this. And maybe one day, she could be the mother figure to her own family.

Treech opened up more to Isabella as the week continued. He still insisted on sleeping in separate beds as to not "scare" her. But on the nights that he could not sleep, she would hear a soft knock on her bedroom door. The two would enjoy each other's company under the stars high in the trees.

Isabella was settling in with the rest of the district as well. Her overdone Capitol appearance and lack of direction, which previously made her stick out like a sore thumb, were now changed to simpler clothes and a sense of familiarity with the place. Valerie even took her on a small tour and trip to the market.  

That weekend, both Isabella and Treech looked forward to. Saturday, the work day was shorter than the weekdays, and Sunday he would have off. He planned on taking Isabella and Tiana out on the lake for some bonding time, and later, time with just the two of them. Tiana was still in school during the weekdays, and returned home in the afternoon. The girls all loved baking dessert together when she came home, and it became sort of a tradition for them. Isabella even shared some of her family recipes from the Capitol. When the men returned each evening, they were surprised with a different treat than the day before.


Saturday morning rolled around. Isabella and Treech woke up in their different beds like usual. Isabella enjoyed waking up early and making him breakfast before work. Today's consisted of sausage, eggs, and toast with strawberry jelly. His shift would be  from eight to three today, so she also made him a lunch to bring. 

Treech loved to wake up at the very last possible time he could. When he finally trudged into the kitchen in his usual hat, jean, and flannel combination; he gave her a hug and "good morning" before beginning to eat his meal. Isabella finished packing up and made herself a small breakfast.

At around seven-thirty, Mr. Hart began knocking on the cabin door. Treech quickly finished up, gave Isabella a kiss goodbye and yelled "don't plan on staying here for dinner!" before closing the door and heading out.

Isabella thought about what he could have meant by that while she prepared herself for the day. She chose a long, light green skirt, and a simple white tank top. She threw her hair into a neat bun, and applied light makeup to highlight her features. She grabbed her tote bag before heading off to the vendors.


Her first time there, she got many strange looks. Strange looks for her own presence, as well as strange looks for her correlation with Treech. She still had some people who acted differently around her, which she understood. She was not District born and never would be. Still, many people were welcoming to her. 

She walked up to her favorite fruit stand. It was run by an older women who went by Lorelei. She had a warm smile, and always gave Isabella the freshest fruits and best deals. But Isabella would always insist on paying the women extra. After all, she still had Capitol wealth that she tried keeping on the down low.

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