Part 8 - First and Lasts

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"Next up, is a young man that I met at the zoo. Accompanied by his lovely mentor Isabella Thatcher. Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome District 7's Treech."

The crowd cheered loudly as Treech and Isabella entered the stage. The two held hands the entire time; partially to help calm any nerves, and partially to piss off the Dean more.

"So Treech." Lucky began to say as the two sat down next to one another. "I've already had the pleasure of meeting you, but give the audience a little refresher."

"Well..." he looked nervously over to Isabella. She gave a comforting nod. "I'm 18, so I'm of working age. I have been for some time. I have my parents and my little sister Tiana. She's only 7 so it's up to me to protect her." A few oohs and awes could be heard from the audience. "I also spend a lot of my time with my friends, Cedar and Flint."

"Well, your family must be very proud of you."

Isabella could tell deep down that the comment made him sad. But he did a wonderful job as covering it all up. She gave a reassuring squeeze to his hand. 

"I really hope so." He replied.

The interview continued with basic questions such as his skills, and more questions about his life back in District 7. With every question, he seemed to warm up to Lucky more and more. The crowd absolutely adored him and the warm charm he carried himself with. 

Everything was going smoothly, until the question that Isabella was dreading. She knew it was coming.

"So Treech, during our first interaction, you informed me that you are single. Has your relationship status changed during your time here in the Capitol?" Although he never directly mentioned her, Isabella knew he was hinting at her. All eyes were now on her. 

He struggled to find the words at first, but said the first thing he could think to say. Please be smart about this. Isabella prayed that his response would help them.

"Well, maybe when I win, you'll all get to find out." He followed it with a cheeky grin out towards the audience. They cheered loudly for him. Isabella smiled at him.

"Well now you're making me want to pick favorites," Lucky joked. "And I'm not aloud to do that."

The interview continued for a few more minutes before the last question; this one was directed towards Isabella.

"Mrs Thatcher, how has it been working with Treech."

She couldn't hold back the redness that followed at the mention of his name.

"Oh someones getting nervous." The audience ooh'd once more.

Isabella laughed before turning to him and saying what was on her mind. "Well, I think that Treech might be the best tribute here. He's strong, determined, skilled with weapons, and as I've gotten to know him, I've found him to be very kind. Working with him has been the highlight of my entire year." The crowd seemed to like her answer.

"Don't get too attached now sweetheart." Lucky's comment killed the mood a little, but Treech and Isabella both seemed to still be enjoying themselves none the less.

"Well unfortunately that's all the time we have together. I wish you both the very best." The couple stood up together hands still interlocked. Lucky gave Isabella a quick kiss on the cheek and shook Treech's free hand. 

"Wow, would you look at the donations!" Lucky exclaimed. Treech had ended up pulling in a decent amount of donations. Not as much as Lucy Gray would eventually get later that night, but enough for Isabella to work with. 

With that, the two left the stage, relieved for the interview to be over.


"How did I do?" Treech asked nervously.

Isabella (Treech)Where stories live. Discover now