The Secret. T.N. - Part 3

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CW: smut ahead.

"Y/n, don't you think maybe you are being a bit over dramatic? I mean you've been with three boys in the last two weeks. No doubt Theodore knows that he fucked up. Maybe this isn't the way to heal?" Pansy said. I know she had my best interest at heart, but respectfully, she didnt know shit.

Theodore was a lying, selfish piece of scum, and if i had to go out with every boy in hogwarts for him to understand that, so fucking be it. I love Pansy, but she doesn't know shit about how I healed, nor does she need to.

Maybe for a while the wounds were still fresh, maybe they weren't. In all honesty, it was none of her business. But now, I don't care.

The anger that theodore had left me with, overtime, turned into resentment. How could someone love me so much, but hurt me even more? The simple answer, they couldn't. What I had with Theodore wasn't love. It was an obsession, and it was the worst thing for me.

Now I've moved on.

"Pansy, they are just meaningless hookups, Who gives a fuck? Certainly not me. I think my healing has been healthy by the way, bitch." Our laughter filled the air and we continued getting ready. We gossiped and dressed each other. The true epitome of girlhood. I layered black mascara on my eyelashes and brushed my hair, fixing it into the perfect mix of effortless and done.

"Y/n, if I wasn't straight, I'd totally be in love with you." Pansy said.

"Well, Pansy, I'm already in love with you." I said in response.

Despite all our spats, and her unnecessary advice every once in a while, she's been a huge part of my healing process. I finished my outfit with some little jewelry pieces and sprayed my favorite perfume.

I finally said my goodbyes to Pansy and set off for my "date". I walked through Hogsmeade until I got to the Three Broomsticks. There I saw my date. He was gorgeous. In the way that his face would have made a Greek god jealous.
His body was muscular and built. His tall frame loomed over mine and in a matter of time he spotted my arrival and waved me over to his table. His voice was deep and raspy. When he spoke shivers went down my spine and my stomach churned.

"Thank you for meeting with me Y/n.
When I saw you I was captivated by you.
I just knew I had to have you, if you know what I mean."

What the fuck am i? A toy?

"I know what you mean, I'm glad to be here. Tell me more about yourself."

He began to speak about his past. His time in Hogwarts, his family, his field of work, and the rest I couldn't tell you. His words eventually faded into one another and all I could think about was Theo. I wondered what he was doing, where he was, who he was with.

"Are you listening to me?" He asked. My eyes returned back to him and mentally kicked myself.

"Sorry, yes, I am. I'm not feeling my best tonight, do forgive me."

"Maybe we could dance, to take the edge off you know?" He suggested. I suppose no harm could be done, right?

"Sure, I don't see why not," I said. I was in desperate need of a good time.

We both walked out of the three broomsticks and into a nearby tavern.When we entered the smell of sweat and alcohol lay in the air. The air was warm and the energy was high. Everywhere you looked there was a pair dancing or drinking or even just indulging in loud conversation. The man I had come here with pulled by my hands into the main dancing area. The music rang in my ears and my body slowly became one with it.

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