The Secret. T.N - Part 2

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Theodore's POV.

For the second time that night, my y/n ran away from me. I heard her shoes click down the stairs of the astronomy tower. I wanted to chase after her and beg for her forgiveness, but something told me she didnt want to be followed, so i didnt.

I stayed up in the astronomy tower for no less than an hour, replaying the events in my head.
How did things go so wrong? I hoped she knew that I loved her more than anything and that I hated keeping her a secret. She knew me better than anyone she had to know.

Obviously, I didn't keep her a secret because I wanted to. I did it because i had to. There was no way my father would let me stay at hogwarts if he knew i loved a half-blood. Hell, they would even use her against me.

They second they found out, i would be a durmstrang or Ilvermorny by morning. I refused to risk her safety. I could never explain that to her. I didn't know how. So instead, I tried to make up for it with extravagant dates and good deeds. Deep down i knew she deserved better, she knew it too. I knew I would do whatever it took to fix this. To fix us.

I stayed up in the tower trying to make a plan on how, but to no avail. I figured by this point she wouldn't be in the common room at least. I decided to head back to my dorm, maybe some sleep will help. As i guessed, she wasn't there so i walked up the stairs to the seventh year dorms. Blaise, my dorm mate, was sitting on his bed seemingly doing homework. The second he saw me concern covered his face.

"You look like shit dude." I scoffed and threw up my middle finger. Am i okay? I don't know, I just lost the love of my life, I thought. Blaise was similar to me, not sharing the same blood supremacy beliefs as my friend group and family. We had always been close, since second year at least.

"You want to talk about it?" he said from across the room. "No." yes more than
anything. He raised an eyebrow. "Liar. Tell me."

Maybe I was crazy from the lack of sleep,stress, or any number of reasons really, but something about my best friend sitting there asking me what's wrong sent me over the edge. I told him everything about us.

I didn't leave out a single detail. Not a single date, a single outing, a single kiss, and even stuff he didn't want to know. I needed someone to hear it, and merlin did it feel amazing. All i felt was pride that she was mine. Emphasis on the was. He listened intently, his gaze only leaving mine to groan when i mentioned some rated R moments.

Every now and then, a tear would fall down my cheek just to be replaced by a thunderous laughter. Talking with Blaise did that to you. After i concluded the word vomit, he said nothing and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "Dude I just got broken up with, too soon to start flirting with me." Blaise pulled away and smacked my arm. "I get it dude. I know." i smiled and he shook his head.

"Theodore. I KNOW." it clicked. I searched for confirmation in his eyes, and in response he nodded his head. "What do I do?" I spoke my voice no higher than a whisper. "How can i ever fix this, she hates me." He sighed and spoke with a confident tone. "She doesn't hate you mate. She's confused and hurt, and she definitely thinks you're ashamed of her. Lucky for you, this handsome devil knows what to do." Suddenly his tone shifted. The fun in his face was gone and was replaced by a look of pure seriousness.

"Are you willing to lose everything for this girl Theodore? This isn't something you can take back. You and I both know your father is not going to take kindly to her. You'll likely be cut off from everything involving the Notts.

Are you sure about this?" I thought long and hard about what he was asking me. My mind wandered to little me's and little y/ns running around a small house in scotland. I pictured y/n in the room of requirement sitting in front of the fire. I was a goner. I nodded my head. "I'll do whatever it takes. Blaise explained to me his entire plan.

"How do you know all of this?" he shook his head. "Because I've been doing this for months.
I'm doing the same for Luna." I looked at him slightly puzzled. "She's a pureblood is she not?" Blaise laughed and just said like it was obvious.
"Yeah but you know everyone thinks she's kind of ... odd."

He took my silence as a good enough answer. He explained to me how to get my own vault at gringotts and how to con my father into giving me money to save up. The goal was to save up enough to be set until we can get jobs outside of Hogwarts after we graduate.

There was only one problem. Y/n. I still had to mend things with her. That was something Blaise couldn't tell me how to do. This was something I had to do all on my own. And I was going to do whatever it took to make her forgive me.

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