Being Moody on your period

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Theodore Nott

"I started my period, Theo. Everything hurts and I really want chips but they will make my stomach hurt even worse."Theo looked extremely lost, not exactly knowing how to react. Trying to decide on a course of action, he walked over to your bed and sat down. He pulled you close into his chest while stroking your hair. "Shh amore, what can I do?" You looked at him and just asked him to get you some tea and snacks. He got you everything you wanted and more and cuddled you for the rest of the day

Mattheo Riddle

This morning you woke up, only to realize you had started your period.
This was just the beginning of a nightmare of a morning. Upon realizing you started, your bedsheets were stained, your hair wasn't hairing, your makeup looked cakey, and your outfit didn't look right. Basically you were in girl hell. Truly the only thing that could help you in this moment was to be on a cloud and have no feelings at all.
Despite the wizard mint world being full of amazing things, that was not one of them. A strong pair of arms wrapped around you and you
instantly recognized them as Mattheo's. "Hey there princess, hows my girl?" you looked at him like he had just killed a kitten. "Just dandy" you said harshly. He looked a little startled at your
reaction. "Someone's grumpy" and just scoffed and pushed him away. Now believing you were upset at him you were but not actually) he grabbed your wrist and said, "woah woah woah. what's wrong, love?" You immediately hugged him tightly and just sighed telling him everything going wrong today. He looked at you sadly and kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry baby. I hate seeing my girl upset. Let's go take a nap hm?" You nodded and you both went to your dorm.

Tom Riddle

Oh bloody lovely. You started your period. What an amazing way to start off your day. You got ready absolutely dreading this day. You went to breakfast but you didn't actually eat anything because your cramps were extra bad for some reason. This made you very very grouchy for the rest of the day, rightfully so. You attended most of your classes not seeing Tom for any of them as usual. He could often go days without even looking at you. It was the cost of being with THE Tom Riddle. In an hour break you had you went to the library to try and work on your charms essay. After about a quarter hour, Tom sat next to you without a word. Usually you can handle his nonchalantness but today it irked you.
You immediately got up, just wanting to leave. Of course rs, Tom being Tom, followed after you,
"what wrong with you." He asked coldly,.
You rolled you eyes at him to which he responded with a snarky, "I'm surprised your reyes haven't gotten stuck back there with how much you roll them at me." This pissed you off tenfold. "Not that it's any of your business, Riddle, but I started my period this morning." Literally no response. Just silence. Then he walked away.
What a dick, you thought to yourself. Later that day you went to your dorm to see a basket full of candy, pain killers and a heating pad. There wasn't a note with it but you knew who it was from.

Lorenzo Berkshire

"Hi Princess" lorenzo said as he came up beside you and wrapped his arm around your waist. You just grumbled. You had started your period that morning and was just grouchy. He looked at you concerned and somehow saw the look on your face and knew. "Oh honey, did you start your period?" You said nodded your head and he pouted at you. And hugged you "aw princess do you want me to get you some snacks and we can watch some movies?" You said into his shoulder "yes please." he smiled at you and rubbed your arm "alright I'll get on that, but loose the attitude." And he kissed your forehead and left to get your snacks. He bought all your favorites and you guys watched movies all day. Later in the night he ran you a bath and sat with you until he knew you were sleeping peacefully.
-just the sweetest, but not too sweet let's be real.

Draco Malfoy

This morning you had woken up to realize that you had started you period. Consequently, your day was ruined. When you went down to the great hall for breakfast you saw Draco and your friends all engaging in conversation. "Can you believe she made out with bloody BLAISE?!" Theodore yelled. You threw a piece of bread at his head. "Woah darling, are you alright? He was just messing about." Draco said confused. You just got up and left, really not feeling up for conversation with anyone. (Trust me, ur period will do this to you.) Draco was quick to follow after you when you stormed off. Hey, what's wrong darling? You're not usually like this." For some reason this really ticked you off "Well forgive me MALFOY if I'm not exactly up for listening to Theo's bullshit today. Or anyone's for that matter." Slightly taken an aback by you hostile tone, Draco raises his arms up in the air and scoffs. "Can you just tell me what's wrong?" You sighed and your mood swing had finally passed. "I'm sorry Dray, I started my period this morning and i just feel super down today." Draco laughed and just said it was no big deal. The rest of the day he entertained your mood swings and defended you against anyone who was bitching about your attitude.

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