Finding Out You are a Pro Figure Skater

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Theodore Nott

You and Theo were ice skating. Needless to say, it wasn't something Theo was very fond of. He fell flat on his butt the second you two stepped onto the ice, following by a string of curse words in Italian. He switches languages whenever he gets angry.
"Jesus y/n, how have you not fallen?" You laugh as he clings to you like a koala, truly a man child. "Stop Theo you can't have your legs like that you'll fall.
Theo I thought you knew I was a competitive skater" just as you said that, He fell flat on his ass with his legs stretched out. "Are you serious? You've been a professional skater and brought me here as a total bum at this?" You helped him up and brushed the snow off his bum. "I'm sorry teddy I thought you knew that about me." You said through
laughter. The rest of your time was spent with Theo clinging to you like a child and falling MANY times.
At the end when you two were leaving, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and kissed your cheek. "You amaze me everyday amore. A skater? God woman is there anything you aren't good at?" You blushed and nuzzled yourself further into him. "You are quite talented with this, though" you said and placed a finger to his mouth. He leaned over and kissed you.
It was gentle and loving. When he pulled away he leaned over to your ear and whispered
"I'll kiss the other ones later." You smacked him in the chest and you both kept walking through the streets surrounded by Christmas lights.

Mattheo Riddle

You sat in Mattheos lap in a circle with a couple other Slytherins. The quidditch team had won against Gryfindor, and true to Slytherin nature, a party was thrown. You guys were playing two truths and a lie. Pansy was doing her turn.
"Uhh let's see. Me and Blaise are hooking up, I hate the granger girl, and I've gone skydiving." Everyone laughs and Draco pipes up
"obviously the lie is you and Blaise are a thing." She made a face and the realization dawned on him. A couple of oo's were heard and she confirmed the lie was her going skydiving.
"You go y/n." You adjusted yourself to be a bit more comfortable in Mattheo's lap. "Mattheo is a dick, I'm a professional figure skater, and uhhh, I'm terrible at charms." Mattheo gave you a questioning 1000 knowing you were top of the class in charms. This time Blaise spoke up. "The lie is you're a skater. If you were we would've known by now." Pansy looked at him and said "Blaise she's top of the class in charms." Mattheo whispered in your ear, "Your a skater?
How come I never knew about this?" And shrugged your shoulders and Draco went next.
-definitely brags about you

Tom Riddle
Bro does not care.
If he did he would learn to do it to be better than you.

Lorenzo Berkshire

"Hey sooo I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"
Enzo asked you twiddling with his thumbs. You laughed and smiled at his cheesiness. You two had been going out since fifth year, now in seventh but be still never failed to make sure you knew be cared about you. It was like you guys were kids again and he had a crush on you. You said "oh really? Me? What an honor Mr.
Berkshire. I would love to" you both went into a fit of laughter at the whole interaction. "I was thinking we could go out this weekend? Maybe to the muggle world. You guys haven't been to the jiggle world for a date in a long time.
Usually, it's just trips to the three broomsticks. "That sounds fun! Any ideas?" He smirked at you and put a finger up to his lips in a shushing motion. "It's a surprise." Classic Enzo. Always a gentleman but never failing to put his own mischievous twist on everything. (I fully believe in soft but not too soft Enzo Later that week, the day of your date, you sat in your dorm getting ready. You had asked his what you should wear and he told you something you would be comfortable running in. Though this was odd you and Pansy decided on some black leggings and a light blue athletic top. He had also encouraged you to wear a coat and so you wore a black puffer. Lorenzo brought you to a park in the muggle world and when he removed the hands off your eyes you saw an ice rink The boy brought yo = ICE SKATING. You squealed and clapped you hands together. "Enzo this is amazing!"He laughed, very satisfied with himself and your reaction. "I figured we should have appropriate attire." He summoned a box, with two pairs of ice skates with your initials on them. Your eyes lit up at the gesture. "I don't even know what to say. This is amazing." You both put on your skates and went onto the rink. Now not many people knew this about you but your competitively skated for a long time. It felt nice being on the rink again and you let yourself go. Doing many spins and jumps. While Enzo was barely staying on his feet. "Dammit y/n. Why do you have to be so good at everything? How do you even know how to do all of that? You laughed and held his arms so he didn't fall. "I was a competitive figure skater for a long time Enzo. 1
thought you knew that?" his jaw nearly dropped to the floor. "I DID NOT KNOW ABOUTTHIS? Guess we'll just have to add this into the list of things you can do better than me." With that last comment he rolled his eyes.
-Never let you live it down.

Draco Malfoy

"so what else do i not know about you darling? " Draco asked. You had just told him that you absolutely hated grapes and anything grape flavored, to which he said was borderline treason. You laughed and said "well I'm a professional figure skater, I love pin- " you were listing things about you that you believed he already knew when he cut you off. "wait wait your a what? A professional figure skater?" You look at him with a puzzled look. "Yeah duh. Why do you think I always go to the lake during winter when it freezes over? I thought you knew that" his jaw was basically on the floor. "I thought you jeste liked looking at it or something. I never would've guessed. Y/l/ n, the skater. Has I nice ring to it I guess." You glared at him and held onto his hand. "How did you not know that about me I swear I mentioned it." He just shrugged his shoulders and said "I don't know, but I think if my girlfriend told me she was a PROFESSIONAL FIGURE SKATER I would know. What other secrets are you keeping from me Mrs. Malfoy." You ignored that last bit and laughed. "Don't get too ahead of yourself now. I mean I also don't like chocolate it's too swee-" " YOU DO LIKE WHAT." Draco yelled at the top of his lungs.

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