Seeing Someone flirt with you

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Theodore Nott

You were sitting in the great hall eating your breakfast as you usually do. Yesterday after the quidditch match, the Slytherins threw a house party to celebrate their victory against the Gryfindors. Theo, of course, was very hungover. He decided to skip breakfast in order to get a little bit more sleep. You just figured you would bring him up something. You took a drink of your pumpkin juice and suddenly felt a weight on the bench next to you. Did Theo decide to eat after all you thought. No one sat there because it was very well known you and theo were an exclusive couple, and he was awfully protective of you. "You are looking rather ravishing this morning
Miss Y/n." Now THAT was most certainly NOT theo. You turned your head and met Adrian Pucey. "Uhm, thank you." Suddenly very uncomfortable, you tried to scoot closer to Pansy who was on your opposite side. As you moved away, he moved with you. "So I've been thinking-" "that's new." you cut him off. "Feisty, I dig it." you made a gagging noise. "I think we should go out to Hogsmeade together, like today." you looked at him with disgust. "No thank yo-" you were silenced when he was pulled to the ground by the back of his shirt. "You're in my spot." He looked up from the foor to see a very angry Theodore."I meant no harm." Theo,now pissed off even more. "Get out of my face before I fuck your's up." and with that Pucey scurried away. "I leave you alone for one morning. Cons of havin€ a smoking hot girlfriend." you just laugh as he puts his head on your shoulder.

Mattheo Riddle

You were walking down the corridor on your way to charms class. On a normal day you would walk with Mattheo, but he got in a fight yesterday and so he was not allowed to attend class for a couple days. This time in specific he couldn't walk you to class because he was out with Blaise and Enzo. As you were walking, Draco approached you. " hey there y/n, where's Riddle? He's usually lurking around you." you kinda get a bad vibe but you keep walking, you were close to class anyways. "He had a few things to do but he'll be here in no time." lie. " Well in that case I'11 make this quick," he wrapped his arm around you. I say that we should have a little alone time if you know what I mean. Riddle won't know of course. But I know you should keep things interesting in a relationship and I'm presenting you with the perfect opportunity." you tried to get his arm off of you but he wouldn't budge "Draco that's gross. I'm perfectly happy with Mattheo ,and please get your arm off of me. You're being really weird." Draco scoffed at you. "I really don't see the big deal. Stop being so stubborn and-" Suddenly Draco was on the floor getting his ass beat by Mattheo. He held his hand around his throat. "What the fuck did you say to my girl? Say it again, but to me this time, Malfoy." Blaise came up behind him and pulled him off of Draco. "Stop it, you'll kill him. Look at her." He turned Mattheo's body to you. Fear covered your face. His features softened. "I'm sorry" he ran to you and hugged you, nearly crushing you with force. "Are you okay my love?" you cradled into him more. "I'm okay, I promise." "that dick had the gaul to touch you. I'm never leaving your side again." you stayed in his arms. "I know, baby. I know."

Tom Riddle

You were in the library studying for the upcoming potions exam. Tom, being the model student he is, really had no need to study, so he stayed in his dorm while you crammed. He refused to help you under the excuse he had other work to do as well and you should learn to be independent. You got up to find another book on a certain potion you just didn't understand. Of course it's on the top shelf you think to yourself. You get up on your tippy toes and stretch out to reach the book. Through all your effort you just couldn't reach it. As you were about to give up you felt a hand grip your waist and a hand gral the book you were reaching for. "Here you go beautiful." you knew immediately that it was not tom. You could always tell by his presence and hi smell. You turn around to see a Gryfindor boy standing before you. Immediately fear washed over you. Not for yourself but for the boy. See tom always had a way of knowing where he was needed, meaning the second the boy's hand touched you, tom was probably already halfway there. "Thank you, but please do not put your hands on me." very bold. "Just being friendly, I'm new here, just trying to make...friends." he says while eyeing you. That explains it, the poor boy doesn't know my boyfrien is a lunatic. "Seriously, leave me alone. Tru me you'll thank me late he laughs. "Oh come on, don't be like that. I just want to get to know you. as you were about to reply you felt someone come up behind you.
Immediately, you knew. Tom. "I believe my girlfriend here has expressed her desire to be around you. Or rather, lack thereof." He threw his hands up. "No need for all that man, I just wanted to be friendly." Tom stood tall, much taller than him. "That's not necessary. This is over. Goodbye." Tom gave the boy a look that could honestly kill. And he left. You turned around and faced tom. "Please don't go extreme. He didn't know." he sighed and pulled you into a more discreet corner. "You know how I feel about other people touching you. He needs to be taught a lesson." before you could protest He kissed you and befor you knew it he was gone.

Lorenzo Berkshire

You were sitting on the shore of the black lake picking at the grass beneath you. You and enzo had planned a date here today. Though, about ten minutes into the date telling you he's gonna be late because Snape was holding him back. You decided to just wait here until he got here. As you were sitting down you heard footsteps approach you. "And what is a pretty girl like you doing out here all by yourself."I'm not alone, my boyfriend just went to grab something. He'll be back any second now" sure yn, you thought to yourself. He approached you and sat down next to you. "You're very pretty. I'm sure your boyfriend doesnt deserve you." you immediately get up now feeling very uncomfortable with the situation. "He does. And this conversation is over." you said as you stood up to leave. He stood up with you and grabbed your wrist. "And where do you think you are going? I'm not done talking to you." you tried to force your arm out of his hand but his grip was much stranger than yours."Well, I am. Let me go you psycho." He kept a tight grip on you and wouldn't let you leave. Finally, Lorenzo saw what was happening as he made his way down the way. "HEY! Let her go." When the boy heard Lorenzo he let go of you to see where the noise was coming from. "Woah man easy. We were just talking." Lorenzo ran down to you and put his hands on either side of your face." Are you okay princess, I'm so sorry I wasn't here." The boy tried to leave but Enzo turned around and thre a punch to his face. " don't ever touch her or another woman again or I swear to Merlin. I'll kill you myself."

Draco Malfoy

Earlier that day, SLytherin had won against Gryffindor in the big quidditch match. The deep rivalry between the two houses just added to the happiness that came with winning. In proper slytherin fashion, threw a party. The music was loud, the drinks were strong, and the people were happy. Especially you. Draco was the seeker for the slytherin team and had beaten Harry Potter. So all the slytherin gang was celebrating. Enzo was somewhere in a corner telling a girl about the economic state of the world, Theo was armwrestling Blaise, Mattheo was doing
karaoke, and Draco was standing with you. his words were slurred and he was mostly balancing you. "You know, you're so beautiful y/n. I'll never know what I did to deserve you." you laugh and keep his hand wrapped up in yours.
"God I have to piss, I'll be back darling." and with that he walks away leaving you alone. You kept your drink in your hands tightly and safely, just in case. A man came up to you. "HEY! Do you want to dance with me?" you smiled at him and yelled over the music,
"No thank you. I'm waiting for my boyfriend actually. He's just in the bathroom." he sulked down and looked at you with pleading eyes.
"Please just for a minute, this party blows and I just want to have some fun."
"Sorry, I'm sure someone else will." as you said that you felt draco come next to you and wrap his arm around you. "Will what?"The boy looked at him and instantly registered who he was. "Nothin, just talking to this lady here." That kind of pissed him off and stood up straight walking in front of you protectively. "Sorry to be a party pooper, but I think it's time for you to leave, don't you?" and with that he threw his arms up in defeat and left. You wrap your arm around his. "I think we've had enough fun for tonight don't you?" Draco leaned into you and nodded. "Cant believe that loser talked to you." you just laughed and you both went up to his dorm while he sobered up.

Blaise Zabini

You were standing all bundled up due to the cold weather. Despite the chill outside you still wanted to support Blaise in his game. You lifted your arms up cheering for him. As he scored a point he pointed at you and winked. You waved and cheered. As you were cheering for him a boy came up next to you. "Who's your player?" you smiled at him and pointed at blaise. "Zabini huh. He's a right player no doubt. But I prefer Malfoy." "He's my boyfr" you began when he cut you off. "Hey i think you are very cute and i was wondering if you would maybe want to go out with me sometime."He said. You looked at him kind of startled and stuttered over your words. "Uhm well actually
i-" He cut you off once again and said, "Look i know we just met but please. I swear I'm a good guy." you just looked at him not really knowing what to say. "And I have no doubts about that but" he cuts you off once more and puts his hand on yours. "Then there's no issue. Go out with me." Suddenly a quaffle comes into the stand nearly knocking him out cold. Blaise shrugged his shoulders as if saying "oops" and threw his middle finger up. You laughed and said, "What I've been trying to tell you is that Blaise is my boyfriend, and I have no interest in going out with you." He looked like his ego had been SEVERELY bruised and said "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Clearly he's dangerous. The man just nearly killed me." you rolled your eyes and saw blaise making his way toward you guys on his broom. "Don't be a baby." you said snarkily. As you said that blaise arrived and pulled you close to him and started kissing you right in front of him, as you were in the front row. "Sorry mate, did I interrupt something?" he said while smirking. Safe to say the guy didn't bother you again.

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